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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 18, 2006
Hello any recommendations for the best bluetooth mouse?

I will use it for
1. Gaming (Halflife 2 and CSS)
2. Work

I have a macbook and wuld like to juz bring a mouse along without any RF connector BS and be able to start playing.
Logitech v270 Cordless Optical Notebook Mouse for Bluetooth has worked very well for me. It is a little smaller than regular sized mice, but not as small as some Logitech corded mice. There is a slight hesitation when you have not moved it for a while, but for my purposes, it is not noticable.
ive heard some pretty bad reviews abt the BTMM for gaming....:confused:
farqueue said:
ive heard some pretty bad reviews abt the BTMM for gaming....:confused:

Don't know about using it for gaming it may get a bit annoying, but unless you are hardcore it should be fine....For everyday use though it is an amazing mouse!

the logitech v270 is a good mouse, but it is too small for gaming. Also i have found that the battery life is pretty bad, i got my bluetooth keyboard a week or two before i got my v270, and the batteries on the keyboard are still full, but i have already had to replace the batteries on my v270.
I've used plenty of Logitech's BT mice - not a fan. Sold em all and bought the BT mighty mouse - LOVE it!
I had a similar question a while back and bought the BTMM. It sucks, i had to push hard to use the right click function and these cause strains on my wrist (same thing for the wired version), most people i know replace theirs immidiately.

its simply form over function. The only mouse i like which Apple has made is the Pro mouse...all others suck. Just my opinion
exactly like the above post. if you are looking for function, a logtech MX1000 or something of that nature is a beautiful mouse, if not a tad pricy. however, a BTMM is very elegant, so if anything i would try to test drive a MM b4 you choose, unless you arent putting much $$ into it:p
Unless you need to right click and left click at the same time with the MM it should be fine for games.

Though Logitech is a more reputable brand in the gaming circuits.
I have just recently picked up a BTMM and BT Apple keyboard. I did notice difficulty using the right click. I have a wired MM that I use of WoW with no issues. I haven't used the BTMM much, it is more for traveling with my MacBook or iMac.
I remember a bluetooth mouse coming out that could be charged by a USB cord and, while it was charging, you could still use the mouse. I thought it was maybe Macally or Kensington but I don't see it on their website. Anyone know what I'm talking about? (Obviously, I haven't used this mouse, so I can't give a recommendation, but I thought it was a very nice idea.)

-- David
debrey said:
I remember a bluetooth mouse coming out that could be charged by a USB cord and, while it was charging, you could still use the mouse. I thought it was maybe Macally or Kensington but I don't see it on their website. Anyone know what I'm talking about? (Obviously, I haven't used this mouse, so I can't give a recommendation, but I thought it was a very nice idea.)

-- David

I believe you are talking about the Radtech BT600. When i decide to get a bluetooth mouse this is the one i will probably get
MattyMac said:
I second that motion...wait how many thread are out here like this??
Agreed...I propose a Sticky thread as a one-stop-shop for BT Mice recommendations...maybe a poll showing some of the more popular BT mice among forum users :)
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