Hey everybody I just figured I'd hop in here and let you all know I actually work for best buy and was appaled by the price jump and while I won't randomly mention the price differneces to customers, I will certainly provide the information on how to obtain the dual core mac at a cheaper price online if a customer askes, but anyway, I thought you all would like to know I talke to the GM of my store and he has told me flat out that the price jump is NOT a mistake, although he blamed it on apple saying something like " apple sets all the prices of the macs we have nothing to do with it, if it raised here it's goingbto raise on apple later today." of course this is a line of ********, it never raised and will not raise on apples website. Alot of my computer team and myself speculate though, that it's goingbto be a temperary jump in price because you see ALOT of our stores all around the US have a ton of those old 24" iMacs and we've already dropped the price by hundreds of dollars ( $1999 24" that has the 2.93 ghz processor is down to 1500 ) we think that the company will reset the prices after we finally move those out if the stores, BUT this is only the speculation of a couple of guys in one best buy, kinda makes sense though if you ask me, still total douchbagarry though