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macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 23, 2008
Ok I want to get an ipad however, Best Buy is out of stock. I applied and recieved a BB credti card which is why I want to go there as opposed to the Apple Store. I asked around today and no one there would tell me when they're getting any in. i was wondering if anyone here knew or had an educated guess on how stores are getting replenishment shipments. I am in the military and will be going to NC for my 2 weeks of training in June and want to make sure I get this before I leave so I have something to do on my down time out in the field etc. I realize that this is the internet and none of you probably know when but I figured that BB was just playing games since I find it hard to believe no one knows when they get shipments or items. Just looking to see what some of you all on here have been hearing.
I would try talking to the GM at BB, explain your circumstances and see if he/she can tell you more, if not then at least maybe they will give you a call when the shipment comes in. Best of luck to you, take care and thank you for your dedication to our country.

I went through this when trying to get mine.
One thing i learned is that the shipments come UPS or FedEx, they are not on the normal Best Buy shipment trucks. The store doesn't know when they are coming either.
Good luck
Oh I didnt realizethat they come thru FedEx/UPS and not regular shipments. That would make sense than, I just assumed they were playing games and didnt want to tell me for whatever reason. I greatly appreciate the quick replies from you all. Thank you!
I agree, talk to the manager directly. Who knows, he/she might be a vet or have family members who are/were military or for other reasons (good ol' fashioned patriotism being a great one) would be willing to help you out a little more than the average person.

If nothing else, you may simply hear an honest "even I have no idea," which coming from the manager is probably more believable than coming from just a rank & file employee.
Their online stock-checker is pretty good. Keep checking that. That's how I got mine.
Ok gents and/or ladies, thanks again for the suggestions and help. I really do appreciate it. Take care and hopefully one day soon I can come back and actually be able to discuss having an iPad haha.
I figured that BB was just playing games since I find it hard to believe no one knows when they get shipments or items.

While BB does like to play games, they are not in this case. The employees there really don't have a clue when they are getting in more iPads. They come when they come and it seems to be quite random to which stores get a shipment and which are left dry.
That's what I realized in the end. All the time I spent waiting and running around searching... I coulda just ordered online and had it sooner with less hassle.
True, but some people get it from BB because of RewardZone points as well as the interest free financing offer.
Yep. I had a nice long chat with a manager at BestBuy recently and he said the same things that have been said here -- they don't know when they receive them, as they are UPS and FedEx shipments.

The 16GB iPad sell out in hours while the 64GB may last a day or two but not longer than that.

Even if you see it available online at the store, there's a good chance that it will be sold by the time you arrive.

It's basically a crap shoot.
True, but some people get it from BB because of RewardZone points as well as the interest free financing offer.

Under normal conditions, I'd agree getting a few BB bucks back is sweet. But holding out, not knowing when an iPad will be available, seems futile just to "save" $10-15 bucks. Also, if someone needs to finance a $600 toy maybe they should think twice.
Under normal conditions, I'd agree getting a few BB bucks back is sweet. But holding out, not knowing when an iPad will be available, seems futile just to "save" $10-15 bucks. Also, if someone needs to finance a $600 toy maybe they should think twice.

Exactly. I wanted an iPad more than I cared about $10 BB cash..

And I agree about the financing ;)
Also, if someone needs to finance a $600 toy maybe they should think twice.

I guess you don't understand the cost of money. First off, if you buy the 64 GB 3G... 829.00 plus tax... so lets say 900.00.

Best Buy will let you carry that cost for 18 months with ZERO interst. Even if you have 50K sitting in your checking account- it would make perfect sence to let them carry the cost for 17 can use that 900 for something else they may make you money for the next year and a half...

If you had to buy it and pay 24% interest on it day 1, I would agree with you about if you can't pay for it in full, don't buy it...

Also the purchase goes toward Silver Rewards Status at Best Buy... something really nice to have.
Their online stock-checker is pretty good. Keep checking that. That's how I got mine.

I checked the best buy website and they had a 32gb available but when I called she said the computer takes a while to update and that she promises that they don't have any!:rolleyes:
I guess you don't understand the cost of money. First off, if you buy the 64 GB 3G... 829.00 plus tax... so lets say 900.00.

Best Buy will let you carry that cost for 18 months with ZERO interst. Even if you have 50K sitting in your checking account- it would make perfect sence to let them carry the cost for 17 can use that 900 for something else they may make you money for the next year and a half...

If you had to buy it and pay 24% interest on it day 1, I would agree with you about if you can't pay for it in full, don't buy it...

Also the purchase goes toward Silver Rewards Status at Best Buy... something really nice to have.

Sure, he could invest that $900 to make an extra $6.34 over the next year or so. Or, you can just pay cash and not bother with the extra bill in the mail. In addition, opening a BB card will nick you credit. Very small, but will negatively affect your credit either way. That said, the smartest thing would be to order from Amazon so you don't have to pay S&H and tax.
My Best Buy has tons of wifi iPads, but have only had 8 3g iPads all together. They seem to get more wifi models twice a week.
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