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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jan 16, 2008
My local Best Buy has a full Apple display with Apple representative.

He told me that none of the area stores will carry a quad core because it does not fit their target audience at BB. He also indicated he can sell at education price to match others.

Take it as you wish, just passing on my friendly encounter with an Apple rep.
What the heck?!!

Who are they (besides being Apple rep.:p) to make their own decision on what's best for the audience!?

That's just incredible, my jaw just fell of. Really unbelievable. Not having on stock is one thing, not putting on sale just because they think that the Quad Core won't fit the every day customer lololol. it's a joke!!

Anyone else as another opinion?! Is he doing the right thing or not?
What the heck?!!

Who are they (besides being Apple rep.:p) to make their own decision on what's best for the audience!?

That's just incredible, my jaw just fell of. Really unbelievable. Not having on stock is one thing, not putting on sale just because they think that the Quad Core won't fit the every day customer lololol. it's a joke!!

Anyone else as another opinion?! Is he doing the right thing or not?

Yes, he's doing the right thing. If you want the quad, get it from the apple store or the website. A retailer doesn't want to tie up shelf space with a slow moving sku and most people won't want the quad.
hmmm...thinking it again, thats a good answer, but that way he's also minimizing the possibility of choise of the buyer, at least buying in the momen, or that they had in stock but small amounts. now that i'm thinking a lot of stores here, also have small amounts or even none
They can't stock everything.... besides, the Apple sections in the Best Buy stores around here are pretty awful (poorly kept and poorly stocked). Maybe they are better in regions that don't have Apple stores, but I can't see how the Best Buy Apple-shanties I've seen around here are doing Apple much good other than serving as "Laptop-Hunter" fodder. Besides, if I was going to drop $2k+ on a computer (especially a Mac) I'd have to be pretty desperate to chose Best Buy over an Apple Store or the smiling face of my Fedex delivery driver.
Last I checked, Best Buy/Futureshop never really carried any Apple config that wasn't the base model. If customers are specific in needs, they would hit up the website but usually people would walk in just needing a computer/Mac.
My local Best Buy has a full Apple display with Apple representative.

He told me that none of the area stores will carry a quad core because it does not fit their target audience at BB. He also indicated he can sell at education price to match others.

Take it as you wish, just passing on my friendly encounter with an Apple rep.

If it's true that you can buy at the educational price at Best Buy, that's pretty good news! That means you can take advantage of the student discount PLUS pick up some RewardZone points. I wonder if you'd be able to stack, say, the student discount and the recent coupons that offer a $150 giftcard with a $1000 purchase...
hmmm...thinking it again, thats a good answer, but that way he's also minimizing the possibility of choise of the buyer, at least buying in the momen, or that they had in stock but small amounts. now that i'm thinking a lot of stores here, also have small amounts or even none

The Apple guy implied "Apple" making the choice, not BB.
I used to work for CompUSA before they went under and bought out by Tigerdirect, and the trickle down of information is always hard to tell where the truth actually lies it could very possibly be that this Apple Rep. just doesn't know who the order is coming form either Apple or BB.

But it does make sense that a more specialized quad core purpose, these people will more thank likely go to Apple or even more likely customize online.
Most shoppers at Best Buy couldn't even tell you the difference from Windows and OSX. The only demographics that BB can target with Macs would be the "tools" who think macs are cool because everyone uses it movies/tv shows.
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