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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 24, 2009
Just got home from Best Buy. I asked them if they were doing anything with redemption tickets. First I went to the apple dude he didn't know, so he sent me to customer service and the lady there didn't even know about the iPad 3g, so she got a supervisor and apparently there was a employee meeting about the 5:00 launch and made it very specific: First come, First serve, no tickets at all
Typical of Best Buy employees to be so oblivious
Uh I'm afraid you may have got bad info... They absolutely can not sell before 5:00pm, but I'm pretty sure they are still doing tickets I can let you know for sure tomorrow though
Uh I'm afraid you may have got bad info... They absolutely can not sell before 5:00pm, but I'm pretty sure they are still doing tickets I can let you know for sure tomorrow though

I wonder if this (the vouchers) is something that can be left up to the individual stores or if it will be a company/Apple policy. I was told exactly what harry was told (was going to go check the scene out and might pick up a voucher for a friend) but also was told that they would know for sure late morning today if that was changing.
Ok I just checked and first come first serve is correct... I guess I scanned the news article too quickly yesterday... Also expect lots of 64gigs but lmited supplies of the others

also it has been made clear that exchanges of wifi for 3g WILL require the restocking fee
My local BB isn't doing tickets either. They said it's a possibility if the line gets too long.
Does anyone know what time they will start selling the iPad 3G? Right after it opens, or 5PM? Or it depends on each store?
I was told first come first served as well yesterday. I get off work at 4Pm and bestbuy is five minutes away! We will see...
Just got home from Best Buy. I asked them if they were doing anything with redemption tickets. First I went to the apple dude he didn't know, so he sent me to customer service and the lady there didn't even know about the iPad 3g, so she got a supervisor and apparently there was a employee meeting about the 5:00 launch and made it very specific: First come, First serve, no tickets at all
Typical of Best Buy employees to be so oblivious

Not sure if you're aware of this. Best Buy DOES sell other products besides Apple products. So, you know, they not be quite as concerned as an Apple Store about the release of the iPad.
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