What do you think is the best calendar app for the iphone?
I tried Calvetica and Agenda, but with the larger screen on the iPhone 5, I came back to the stock calendar app. The lack of the date on the 3rd party app icons always bugged me, and I hate the date being displayed by a badge.
What do you think is the best calendar app for the iphone?
Pocket Informant
Own it and need to look more into how to utilize it.
Agenda isn't a bad calendar as well.
What I'm waiting for though is the iOS version of Fantastical. It should be nice as well.
Now I have standardized on Agenda, a pretty good calendar app with awesome reminder integration.
Can you expand a bit more on the reminder integration?
You can add/modify/complete native reminders inside the Agenda app. Reminders will show in the calendar itself. Apple opened up the reminder API so other apps can use the functionality. That means you can access your reminders via Agenda, the reminders app, or Siri.
Not really a fan of Week calendar. I find the UI less than appealing compared to some other apps.
been pretty happy with calvetica. once you learn all the shortcuts and taps, it's pretty cool...
I have tried Calvetica several times and I just can't get into using it. Primarily the multiple-screen input for new events and the tasks being on a separate tab than the calendar keep me away.
I'm hesitant to lay out $10 for Fantastical. The native app has two advantages. One is the icon, of course: large display of day and date. Another, more important, is accuracy. I have a date in one calendar, Cinco de Mayo. I have, in another, John F. Kennedys Birthday. If I turn on both these calendars in Readdle, I get duplication of some holidays (e.g., Tax Day and Mothers Day). And of course, if I turn off one, I miss some events from the other. This problem doesnt occur in the native app. Identical selections by calendar name. I dunno. Unfortunately, the native app renders calendars in drab colors instead of the bright colors defined in Google and OSX. Grr...