Basically, we are looking for solution that is better than cable. Cable sells bundle or package deals. We get channels we don't care. Plus, we have to set the dvr for shows that come on certain times. Ideally, if all channels are in the form of apps, we can pick and choose to watch whenever. Personally, I would like a buffet. I want to choose x number of channels and watch those shows for $30 a month. The networks like the current model because it brings more revenue for them. Why can't they do it like hulu? or Apple can have iAD or other forms of ads. Perhaps networks can create an app for their channel that can be interactive such that we can buy what Dr. House is wearing on the show. This can be linked to a store like Macy's. Or if we see an cool gadget in a show, there can be a link that can be saved later for us to review and buy later. etc. Networks can monetize in many ways. I think the future is an internet tv that we can interact with and learn more about the show's environment and also ways to buy things. Current cable model needs remodeling if you will. I would like to rid my 90 dollar cable bill.