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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 12, 2007
If you have a lot of pdfs that you need to annotate. Which cloud service do you use to sync all of them?

I am talking about few thousands files....
OneDrive is solid if it's supported... iCloud is spotty and I wouldn't trust anything on it. Apple has yet to fix the iCloud backup restore sync problem where iMessages and other data do not restore.

My advice which ever you use, do a local backup too... hard drives are pretty cheap.
OneDrive is solid if it's supported... iCloud is spotty and I wouldn't trust anything on it. Apple has yet to fix the iCloud backup restore sync problem where iMessages and other data do not restore.

My advice which ever you use, do a local backup too... hard drives are pretty cheap.

I tried Onedrive, it works, but it is very slow.

Dropbox and Google Drive seem to be fast, but I am not sure who is better in the longer run. Wonder if anyone mind to share your experience.
Dropbox is great for me. Also use G Drive for specific types, sharing/editing/creating with multiple people, seems better. Uses OneDrive with MS Office.
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