So I'm in the process of upgrading almost all my work space world. Just got a new Mac which was the big part. Also got a new hub that is Thunderbolt 3 compatible. I'm a professional musician and use apple music (ugg that's confusing now but the native Music program)
I am using the ACTUAL files.. yup strangely that is now old school... but for my world very necessary. I have mp3, mp4, aiff, etc. My library is very large with over 155k tracks. About 1.7TB of iTunes (sorry gonna call it that for clarity) on an external hard drive.
I do teach and even just the waking up of the traditional HD drive when I need to access a track is money my students are spending just waiting to access the drive. Obviously a SS drive would hopefully be more instantaneous.
My father also needs a good drive for his backup so i'm looking to buy a new external drive to fit my needs and then move one of mine on to him.
Can anyone suggest a good drive for such an application of use? I currently am running a G drive off of a USB. I don't want to get ridiculous and break the bank but I need to figure out a solution hopefully.
Any help would be VERY much appreciated!
My computer and hub are brand new so they are running USB C and thunderbolt 3 of course for a bit more info.
Love you all for the great help I get here!
I am using the ACTUAL files.. yup strangely that is now old school... but for my world very necessary. I have mp3, mp4, aiff, etc. My library is very large with over 155k tracks. About 1.7TB of iTunes (sorry gonna call it that for clarity) on an external hard drive.
I do teach and even just the waking up of the traditional HD drive when I need to access a track is money my students are spending just waiting to access the drive. Obviously a SS drive would hopefully be more instantaneous.
My father also needs a good drive for his backup so i'm looking to buy a new external drive to fit my needs and then move one of mine on to him.
Can anyone suggest a good drive for such an application of use? I currently am running a G drive off of a USB. I don't want to get ridiculous and break the bank but I need to figure out a solution hopefully.
Any help would be VERY much appreciated!
My computer and hub are brand new so they are running USB C and thunderbolt 3 of course for a bit more info.