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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 26, 2010
The title says it all. Put the best or your favorite iTouch apps you got which were free
Tower madness. Absolute most addicting iPod touch game ever, IMO. The free version is called tower madness zero. Its the full game but with ads. I highly recommend it!
I agree that tower madness is addicting and a great game, but there are loads of other free apps like stanza, dictionaries, translators, IMS aso aso...
I'm a huge fan of TransitMaps. I live in NY and have to check the buses & subways all the time. Not having to carry around actual maps is a godsend!
Papertoss is awesome, im not sure if these are free or not but these are some of my favorites: pocket tanks, taptap, and spill da' milk. Oh, and doodlejump, but thats $0.99, but its really fun.
Theres a spinart app that looks cool. But im not sure if it costs something or not...
Without question, Trism. Absolutely addicting game!

Thanks for the SPAM TheInformer, that game is $3, not free, and this was your one and only post. Hopefully anyone who see's this thread in the future will know to not waste their time looking at your *****ty little app.
I have nothing to do with Trism, and that was my first post because it was the first thread I read. As for posting about an app that costs $$$ vs free, I didn't pay attention to the topic. Burn me on the stake for that, ok? Why you act the way you did with your foul language and snide comments towards my comment is beyond me.

Nice way to make a new person on the board want to stay, read messages, and possibly contribute in the future.

Thanks for the SPAM TheInformer, that game is $3, not free, and this was your one and only post. Hopefully anyone who see's this thread in the future will know to not waste their time looking at your *****ty little app.
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