Just adding my $0.02 ...
I got Gpush and LOVED it, too ... at least until a few weeks ago. It really is the greatest thing when it works and it DID work perfectly for me for quite a while. Then one day a few weeks ago it just quit working and my attempts at workarounds come up pointing to server issues as others have said. I really hope they get it back up and running soon because as I said, I loved it. Like you mentioned, I didn't want to set up the exchange account and all that mess (and I like having a separate button for my two different email accounts - setting up as exchange would kill that idea). I checked out other things and decided to just wait until Gpush was released, and when it was working, I never regretted it.
If and when it gets fixed, I'd highly recommend Gpush ... but unfortunately I'm hesitant to recommend it when it's not working at all.