After listening to the MacPowerUsers show this week for "working at home," I've realized that now I finally have all this "time I never had" to do the things I've been putting off. A lot of these are daily habits that I would like to try to get in place - intermittent fasting, stretching, reading, etc. Wondering if you guys have any experience or favorites for a "Habit Tracker" of choice? I read a very nice detailed article on TheSweetSetup which seems to think that Streaks should be the winner (but does cost $4.99 - but the cost is minimal to me if it truly will help me become a much better person with these habits). They also mention Productive (free), Momentum Habit Tracker (free version with up to 3 habits), and a few other ones. Of note, I do have an iMac and MBP, iPhone, and Apple Watch - so any ability to integrate within all of these platforms is a major bonus... especially the Apple Watch so I can easily log habits. Anyways, just figured I would see what the community favorites were.