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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 14, 2005
Do any audiophiles out there have any good headphones to recommend that would be good for listening to music on an iPod. I'm sick of the terrible sound that the iPod headphones have and have been saving up for a pair. I would like a pair that really sound well with Alternative/Indie music. Good bass is preferable. Are there any good headphones that meet most of these conditions in the $100-$170 price range?
leidendude said:
Do any audiophiles out there have any good headphones to recommend that would be good for listening to music on an iPod. I'm sick of the terrible sound that the iPod headphones have and have been saving up for a pair. I would like a pair that really sound well with Alternative/Indie music. Good bass is preferable. Are there any good headphones that meet most of these conditions in the $100-$170 price range?

Senheizer makes some of the bes headphones out there....
The best of the best?

Die hard audiophiles might want to consider Shure's E5C earphones if they have the money and don't mind exorbitant price. Their unique state of the art design makes their earphones act like headphones without the cumbersome weight. You can go to their website and read up about it at

I found out about their product from one of the issues of Science Digest from last year. Shure should be releasing their top of the line earphones called E500 sometime within the next two months. When they do, expect a big price drop on E5Cs. E500s are expected to retail for about $500 per unit.

By the way, how would I provide a shorthand url link to the site above so I won't have to use long and cumbersome address?

By the way, wouldn't this sort of topic belong in Mac Peripherals section? I was reprimanded the other day for posting an identical topic in two diferent threads. Something about violating one of their rules..... My topic was on non-wireless solution and I wasn't sure which thread would be more appropriate. So I posted in both.
thumb said:
i like grado.

I recieved some SR-60s (~USD70) for Christmas and couldn't be happier. The sound quality is absolutely fantastic and have been problem free for a good 6 months and I'm sure that anything from their SR series would give you the same result.
ScarletRed said:
By the way, how would I provide a shorthand url link to the site above so I won't have to use long and cumbersome address?

Just choose whatever shorthand you want to be the link and choose the "Insert Link" option (Globe with chain icon) and insert full address.

ScarletRed said:
By the way, wouldn't this sort of topic belong in Mac Peripherals section? I was reprimanded the other day for posting an identical topic in two diferent threads. Something about violating one of their rules..... My topic was on non-wireless solution and I wasn't sure which thread would be more appropriate. So I posted in both.

You mean like changing the thread topic to ask questions like this one? ;) Don't worry too much about it, but yes you should make an effort to find the subforum that best fits your question.
Another enthusiastic vote for Bose Triport. Whenever I listen to them in certain stores, sound quality is superb.
Step AWAY from the Bose Tri-Ports!

Yes, the Bose sound nice enough [not an invitation to those who protest the 'manufactured' Bose sound]. I have a pair, am in fact on my third pair. That's why I say don't bother. Wish I never had. The problem, well-documented if you look around on the web, is that the cheap ass plastic headband breaks and the ear pieces fall off. Bose will replace them for you at no charge, but it is a chronic issue. I use them in my bedroom when I'm listening to music or watching a movie on my PB so as not to disturb my wife. They break under this type of usage, and it is annoying as all hell. I have electrical tape holding my current pair together. I don't think I'll bother sending these back in. i just have to resign myself to buying a new pair when I spent $150 for these not quite two years ago.
zelmo said:
Yes, the Bose sound nice enough [not an invitation to those who protest the 'manufactured' Bose sound]. I have a pair, am in fact on my third pair. That's why I say don't bother. Wish I never had. The problem, well-documented if you look around on the web, is that the cheap ass plastic headband breaks and the ear pieces fall off. Bose will replace them for you at no charge, but it is a chronic issue. I use them in my bedroom when I'm listening to music or watching a movie on my PB so as not to disturb my wife. They break under this type of usage, and it is annoying as all hell. I have electrical tape holding my current pair together. I don't think I'll bother sending these back in. i just have to resign myself to buying a new pair when I spent $150 for these not quite two years ago.

Great minds think alike. ;)

I ended up throwing mine in the dumpster after my second pair broke. ;)

Go with the Shure E3C's :)
iGary said:
Great minds think alike. ;)

I ended up throwing mine in the dumpster after my second pair broke. ;)

Go with the Shure E3C's :)

Last time I called Bose, I tried getting them to just give me a pair of their $300 QuietComfort NC headphones, arguing that they might as well do it now and save the cost of sending me new Tri-Ports every 9 months or so.;)
Maybe I'll try that one last time. If not, I'll shop around.
zelmo said:
Last time I called Bose, I tried getting them to just give me a pair of their $300 QuietComfort NC headphones, arguing that they might as well do it now and save the cost of sending me new Tri-Ports every 9 months or so.;)
Maybe I'll try that one last time. If not, I'll shop around.

Can't hurt to try, Zelmo. :D
iGary said:
Go with the Shure E3C's :)

Another vote for the E3Cs here. I've had mine for 4 months now, and they're phenomenal. Expect a few more votes for these too, there are a number of happy E3C users around here.
If you don't care about the looks, then go with the KOSS Porta pro...they have
amazing bass response, sound terrific and not expensive.
I'll have to say the tried and true studio standard Sony MDR-7506's. Flattest response out there for headphones and can generate an insane amount of noise without distorting (which means they can be EQ'd to your exact liking). In fact, I've never heard them distort even when I boost the EQ +12 in bass. Just to let you know, these are sealed cans (they go completely around your ear, like the triports) and only emit sound when the volume is cranked. You can't hear anything else and no one can hear your music.

Also, they are built like a tank (out of actual metal) and fold up into a nice plethor drawstring bag. Plus you can get them at your local Guitar Center for $99, or less if you can find a better price (say online). They'll honor it.
first, you have to decide, in ear or over ear.

in ear = shure

over ear = grado

as for the over ear, i would be curious, of those above who didn't buy grado, did you compare what ever you bought to grado? if you did, why on earth did you buy something else?
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