ive been doing photography for about a year now.. I just started doing more fashion photography now and ive found I really love it. Question tho. what are the best lenses to use for Canon 5d mark 2. I currently have a 40mm 2.8, 50mm 1.4. 85mm 1.8, 24-85mm, and 70 - 300. I use them all but I have found that I enjoy my 50 and my 85 the most now. what are some of you guys suggestions.. and do I have to learn cs6 photoshop to get that magazine look I notice a lot of the photos that I like use photoshop.
You have lenses covered. Don't buy any more. I suspect the 70-300 sees little use. 50mm and 85mm would be my chooses. I have both of those, but Niokon's version.
I'll assume you are happy with your compositions.
Question: This "magazine look"? is done in the studio or on location? Either way they almost certainly are using both good lighting and a little photoshop too. But you can NOT fake the lighting in Photoshop. Without seeing the shots you like I'd guess they are controlling the lighting ratio and are keep ing a bit flat.
Flash is more compact but I'd suggest using continuous lighting so you can see the effect in advance. It can be really inexpensive, like a masonite board with aluminum foil stuck on it with packing tape. Mmaybe some hinges made with clear packing tape so you can fold it up for storage. Or just a white bed sheet and a plastic pipe frame. Don't spend $1K until the $10 tricks don't work.
The other thing you notice in that "magazine look" is professional makeup and hair.
Then in Photoshop most pros will clone out skin blemishes and even aply a bit of teeth whitening. The trick is to make it look real, faked looks bad, so you don't leave a little in.
In short, lighting, makeup and hair and then restrained retouching. You can do quite a bit of simple retouch now in Aperture or Photoshop Elements. You don't need CS.
I think you will be better advice if you post a photo you shot and one yo like better and then ask "how do I mine my shot look like the example?" This is the way artists have learned for centuries, the copy the work of a master. Later they develop their own style (or not) I think the #1 best step is to identify photos you like. You've done that already it seems.