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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 30, 2009
Arlington VA
So a few of the executive assistants received iphones and I was wondering what would be the best method to setup their mail account/contacts/calendars as well as their bosses. One method that someone already uses is that they have their bosses account/contacts/calendars setup as the exchange account and then they setup a rule in outlook on thier computer to forward all mail that comes to her account to her mobile me account. I was wondering if anyone else had any options??
I don't agree with that method.. For only this reason.. If you have the mail forwArded to the mobile me account.. That's an interally different email address.. When they respond to that email it will be an entirely different email address... And they won't be able to look up what they sent on their computer.. Etc....
I would probably actually try to set up an exchange server or even try to copy the settings over exactly from outlook into the iPhone email..
Well I did originally setup their account under exchange as themselves, but they then couldn't see their bosses calendar or mail.
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