Some might not be for sale anymore, but here are some of my favorites:
Risk: Global Domination
Yoot Tower
Clear Vision 1
Clear Vision 2
DuckTales Remastered
Full Throttle Remastered
RC Plane 2
Alto's Adventure
Alto's Odyssey
Probably some more than I am not thinking of.
Side notes about some of the games:
Clear Vision 1 and 2 were paid apps, while 3 and 4 were free to play. While 3 and 4 looked better when it came to graphics, 1 and 2 was a lot better to play in my opinion. The free to play model was designed to invest in large amounts of IAP to win. It is possible to beat 3 without making any purchases, I am unsure if 4 can be. Or maybe 4 didn't have a proper ending.
Risk: Global Domination is like the classic RISK game, but a lot of maps and cool customizations. There is multi-player, but I was never interested in that. I played this game more than any other game on iOS, iPad OS, and tvOS, but only played it on tvOS. Support for the tvOS version of the game was dropped, just like a bunch of other tvOS games, so I stopped playing. I purchased every map available on this game, probably invested $50 in it.
Alto's Odyssey, or an updated version of it, is on the Apple Arcade.
Yoot Tower is a sequel to Sim Tower from the 90's.