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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 9, 2016
Hey there!

Anyone who can recommend a really good, fast and modern News Reader? (something like feedly) and even better?

Is there anything available that you use and highly recommend for iOS and maybe possible to sync to the Mac via iCloud?
Hey there!

Anyone who can recommend a really good, fast and modern News Reader? (something like feedly) and even better?

Is there anything available that you use and highly recommend for iOS and maybe possible to sync to the Mac via iCloud?
Some good options that come to mind are and are pay once and actively maintained:

- Hearfeed RSS Reader - reading via MacOS in browser with iCloud sync - see website
- TechPort - Handoff support
- News Explorer - Handoff support / iCloud sync - see website
- NetNewsWire - iCloud sync - see website
- ReadKit - has MacOS support - see website
- GoodLinks - see website
- Reeder 5 - has MacOS support - see website
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