I have decided to buy the base 21.5" iMac and am elligable for student discount. Is it better to wait for a good deal to appear on the clearance store or should I just go ahead and get the student discount?
To the OP, I'd say that the student discount would be a better deal. It'd be $100 off plus you can get an iPod up to $199 for free. So essentially its a $300 value. As opposed to the refurbished only $200 off (not eligible for iPod offer).
Well if it turns out to be a better deal go for it. That's why I'm going with the student discount as opposed to the refurbished store. Me and my dad agreed, if I give him the iPod he will pitch in $200, and still throw in the $200 upfront to get the iPod (which he'll get back with rebate). You could easily sell a brand new iPod to somebody on craigslist or something similar in the UK.