I would like to purchase some more RAM for my i7 that is on the way. Anyone know the cheapest place to get it urrently? Thanks guise
thank you!I buy all my RAM from Crucial.com, plus they offer awesome customer service, too!
Use newegg.com and http://www.google.com/prdhp?hl=en&tab=wf.
thank you!
I didn't know about the product search option thank you much as well
brb being a newb to the internet
that was the first place I looked lol thank youdon't get it off ebay. its almost alwasy broken.
No problem. Prices tend to be a bit high right now. If you wait they are bound to fall back down a bit.
I second what 53x12 has said. Crucial from NewEgg.com and if you can wait a few weeks, there's a good chance that prices will come down $10-$20.
Why are prices so high right now? Holiday season?
To give you an idea on how much prices can fluctuate, the lowest price that we've seen was $53.99 and that was about 6 or 7 months ago. It was also as high as $109 just a few weeks ago.
It's hard to predict what the price will be...no one really knows for sure.
I see what you are saying. The prices you are quoting are for which type of ram upgrade and from where? Thank you for the input