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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 12, 2016
Hi everyone,

I'm opening this thread to get some advice on which sleeve should I get for my MacBook Pro 15 mid 2012 but first let me give you some details about how I carry my MBP:

1. Currently I have an Incase neoprene sleeve, which I bought when I first got my MBP. See picture below:

2. Then I put it in a laptop bag, a Tech Air Z0720. Picture below:

3. Then I normally commute to work and/or college by bike (a round trip of 18 miles).

However, even though this combination should be enough for anyone I feel it isn't for me. I don't think either Incase's sleeve or Tech Air's bag offer sufficient protection against a drop from the bike or let alone a slip from a desk/chair. I'm therefore looking for a more protective case (I like the backpack so I wouldn't like to change it unless there's something real good and cheap out there). I've had a look and the most protective sleeves I've seen are the ones from G-Form (picture below).

Nevertheless, I would like to know the opinion of the MacRumors community, see what they'd recommend for me so please, do let me know your thoughts on this!

Thanks in advance guys.
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