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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 8, 2009
Chicago, IL, USA
I am moving from a PB 10.4 to a new Imac 10.6. The PB has several years of my Mac life; the Imac just the pristine OS. :) Thanks to the advice received here and elsewhere, I have already learned how to transfer files: I got the firewire cable and know the Setup/Migration attendants reasonably well. :)

However, there are several issues confusing me on how to proceed.

(1) If I let SA transfer my PB files wholesale, then I'll be taking my 10.4 life with me. That's not why I bought a 10.6 machine!

So as far as Apple stuff goes,

(2) I would like *not* to transfer it as much as possible. In particular, not have the old /Applications replace the new one.

(3) I would like to transfer the settings as well as support files that my own use has generated, eg, preferences, bookmarks, cookies, etc.

If you have walked this fine line before, please tell me how to proceed. Tentatively, I am thinking: Use SA to transfer my Users account, most other stuff but NOT Applications. I'll transfer non-Apple apps by hand, and use the Apple apps that came with 10.6. (Hopefully, my settings, preferences, bookmarks, etc would have been transferred and the apps will see them.)

What is the "best practices" advice here?

Just use Migration Assistant (it actually asks if you would like to migrate at the end of installation), it lets you exclude Applications if you want to
I am discovering that the Setup/Migration Assistant is a convenient but blunt tool. For example I want to preserve my Safari settings or newsreader settings, but not indiscriminately overwrite the entire old /Library over the new one, wiping out many 10.6 enhancements and leaving me with 10.4 experience. However, there seems to be no way to choose what you want to keep.

After much frustration, I have decided to erase the disk, re-install the 10.6 and move my files manually. Inconvenient but the only way I know to do what I want.
I too was a bit disappointed with the Mig Assistant. I need more granularity. So I always end up moving things manually. Fortunately, it's not toooooo complex. Does take a bit of time though, making sure I don't miss anything.

But yes basically when I move to a new machine or OS install, half the point is to clean the thing out and avoid bringing over five-year old preference files and Hera-only knows what else that has accreted over the years. Migration Assistant doesn't really help with that alas.
Thanks aki. This is the first time I am attempting such manual migration. (Last time it was from OS9 to OSX and I was mainly leaving everything behind.)

Please remind me what is involved in moving manually. My home directory, keychains, those are obvious. For apps, do I need to search /Library for any folders/files with that name and move it?
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