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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jan 16, 2008
Looking for a recommendation on temperature widget. This new i5 is too hot to the touch on the top. Well I could hold my hand there but it is not fun to do so. So I want a good widget/etc that will give me an idea of how hot it really is.

On a side note. I cannot hear the drive or fans in my new i5. For WOW players, all options (including full shadows but no full screen bloom), it bottoms out around 27fps in heavy effects environments or fast spin in busy Dalaran. Peaks are beyond refresh (in fact I may want to cap that)

After a three hour session the top portion of the aluminum enclosure was too hot to keep my hand pressed to it so I am looking for something to convince myself I am not going to end up with a cooked iMac in a few weeks. Since my desk is in the center of the room there is no problem with air flow but I don't want to have to run the ceiling fan.

I will make sure to download that when I get home. I just am going to "assure" myself with real numbers, not "Damn that's hot" type stuff.
iStat pro if you want a widget or get iStat menus. I actually have both, not sure which one I like better yet.
What is an acceptable temperature range

I installed iStat - the Northbridge (?) temperature seems to run 50 degrees higher than ambient temp. What is the "normal" range that we should look for?

The CPU temp. is approx 30 degrees less than Northbridge(?). What is an acceptable range for the CPU?

Having this Data is nice BUT how do we make it actionable and useful? :confused:

Thank you
I installed iStat - the Northbridge (?) temperature seems to run 50 degrees higher than ambient temp. What is the "normal" range that we should look for?

The CPU temp. is approx 30 degrees less than Northbridge(?). What is an acceptable range for the CPU?

Having this Data is nice BUT how do we make it actionable and useful? :confused:

Thank you

You in F or C? If F that is normal.
You in F or C? If F that is normal.

Yes, I'm in "F" but what is the "Normal" range?

The room where the computer is located is cool because of the weather, but when it gets hot outside (40-50f degrees) hotter what is an acceptable temperature range for my computer. When the ambient temps go up so will the other temps so I'm just trying to get a better understanding of what is "normal"

Can anyone assist?
Yes, I'm in "F" but what is the "Normal" range?

The room where the computer is located is cool because of the weather, but when it gets hot outside (40-50f degrees) hotter what is an acceptable temperature range for my computer. When the ambient temps go up so will the other temps so I'm just trying to get a better understanding of what is "normal"

Can anyone assist?
Yes, I'm in "F" but what is the "Normal" range?

The room where the computer is located is cool because of the weather, but when it gets hot outside (40-50f degrees) hotter what is an acceptable temperature range for my computer. When the ambient temps go up so will the other temps so I'm just trying to get a better understanding of what is "normal"

Can anyone assist?

Seeing as how you joined today may I be the first to say welcome to the MR fold. Please check out and get used to using the very friendly search forums function. MR boasts a great, intuitive and fully functional search engine that will scour any and everything you tell it to within the MR archives. It is truly one of the better forum search engines around especially for a free site.

That being said there are countless posts about iMac temps - old ones, new ones, short ones and tall ones. Many point out the average suggested temp ranges for hard drives, cpus, gpus and the whole shebang. Search and ye shall find. Also as a friendly welcome noobie tip next time when creating a post such as this be sure to clearly post what your stats/temps/readouts on your end are as opposed to anyone who may try and help needing to play the guessing game. As for your op question as many have pointed out iStat and iMenu are both quite popular around here and work well as gauges. Again I wish you a sincere welcome and hope you enjoy the chaotic fact mixing with fiction harmony that is Mac Rumors.
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