So I just jailbroke my 3GS (finally) and I was wondering which thethering is the "best", in terms of speeds/reliability etc. Before I jailbroke I had used the method where you go to the website from the iPhone's browser and you DL the config file for your carrier and boom, done. It seemed to work great, nice speeds and such. Should be noted that I thether via USB as my PC doesn't have bluetooth or WiFi. I keep reading about this PDA Net thethering for jailbroken phones though, and was wondering if it has any advantages over the "BenM" method? Are speeds any faster (or slower)? What about resources-wise, like battery usage and such? Is it an actual program that I have to open and run everytime I want to tether? I had to restore my phone to get those iBSS and iBEC files before and never put the mobileconfig back on for the tethering. Now that I jailbroke I have the option to use PDANet, so whichever method gets the best feedback I'll end up using.
This is the method I used before for anyone not familiar:
This is the method I used before for anyone not familiar: