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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 23, 2007
i have an idea of how i would want a to-do app to work and so far the ones i've tried from the apple store do not work like i'd prefer.
is there an app that is essentially like Notes, but your to-do tasks have an email/sms/phone alert number when the application is closed. so if you have 2 tasks that need to be done you'll see '2' in the top corner of the app's icon on the home screen.
i don't want to set a specific time for an alarm as i may not know exactly when i can do the task. but seeing the number on the icon will remind me that i have something to do when i look at the homepage on my phone.
know what i'm saying?

what to-do apps have you used/are you using and which ones do you like? why?

so far i've used 'to do' which is basically just like Notes only worse and gives you an option to check things off, but it doesn't allow time frames, dates, anything like that.

'dobot todos' is annoying that the opening screen is 'personal' and 'work'. while you can add more lists, you can't delete them. what if i just want one big list? it's dumb to have to go into sub-categories if you don't need them. at least there's a little 'check mark' next to ones you get done i guess. plus you can assign a day to do them.

then there's 'evernote' which seems like a nice one because you can do text, voice, picture notes, etc. it also has the little icon i'm talking about, but only when you're IN the application. plus you have to register to use it and all which i think is unecesary.

i wish i had the knowledge to develop something as simple as notes with an easy checkbox and an number icon on the home screen. doesn't sound that complicated!
I'm working on a to-do list application that I was going to submit to the app store, but now I'll probably just release it to the jailbroken crowd. I don't know how to modify the icon in the way that you're describing but I'll do some research and see what it will take.
heres one i made, but its not on the app store, just for the jailbroken folks.


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OmniFocus is the best. I costs $20, but it's well worth it. The desktop app, which is $80, will synch to-do lists with the iPhone. It's currently in beta and still buggy, but works as advertised. It is a full-blown project manager really, so that explains the cost.

I cannot live without this app now. I'm really getting things done and that's the bottomline. :cool:
OmniFocus is the best. I costs $20, but it's well worth it. The desktop app, which is $80, will synch to-do lists with the iPhone. It's currently in beta and still buggy, but works as advertised. It is a full-blown project manager really, so that explains the cost.

I cannot live without this app now. I'm really getting things done and that's the bottomline. :cool:
Once you've completed a task, can it remain in you todo database, so that you can reference it at a much later date say 2 years down the road? Or does it delete completed tasks like most to do apps?
I prefer Zenbe Lists. It's really cool, because you can edit, share your list(s) online (from your computer) or your iPhone.

The sync is also very fast, even on Edge.

You can also easily get the list(s) to show up on your iGoogle page.

The completed tasks don't get deleted, they pushed to the bottom with a check mark next to them and are dimmed out.

Note: If you do decide to use this, and want to access your lists online, please make sure to go to and not

Hope that helps!
OmniFocus is the best. I costs $20, but it's well worth it. The desktop app, which is $80, will synch to-do lists with the iPhone. It's currently in beta and still buggy, but works as advertised. It is a full-blown project manager really, so that explains the cost.

I cannot live without this app now. I'm really getting things done and that's the bottomline. :cool:

OmniFocus has a lot of bells and whistles, including a very cool location-aware function. However, it is quite bloated for a to-do list (takes 3 seconds to launch, even with very few tasks), which really should be a lean, mean app to just get things done. Also for $20, it really should link with contacts and hyperlink phone numbers (so that you can tap and dial). I've asked for a refund and am starting my to-do app search again.

Zenge would be great if it had contacts integration and phone number hyperlinking, but there are some privacy concerns with their website. So for now, I don't sync and just use it as a to-do.

If anyone is aware of other options, please share.
+1 for zenbe lists.

really handy to type out long lists quickly on the computer and then just sync it to the iphone.
Another vote for Zenbe lists.

So simple to use. The lack of advanced features it what I like about it compared to some of the other GTD based apps for the anal types out there.

The ability to share lists with my wife and friends is great. You can use it for to dos as well as just lists that you keep and reuse for shopping or travel, etc. I love the sync feature and the web interface means one less thing I have to install on my mac.
'Things' is without a doubt the most superb to do list I've used.
Special offer now because they've yet to introduce syncing but that will be coming shortly.
This is IMO the most important utility on my phone so I am not afraid to spend cash on it.

I need something that I can sync up to my macbook pro's text edit (or similar) program and be able to cross-update each other.

ie - the newer, revised to do list updates the other (whether the newer lists are on the mac or iphone)

Can you do this with Omnifocus iphone application without their desktop application?
i have an idea of how i would want a to-do app to work and so far the ones i've tried from the apple store do not work like i'd prefer.
is there an app that is essentially like Notes, but your to-do tasks have an email/sms/phone alert number when the application is closed. so if you have 2 tasks that need to be done you'll see '2' in the top corner of the app's icon on the home screen.
i don't want to set a specific time for an alarm as i may not know exactly when i can do the task. but seeing the number on the icon will remind me that i have something to do when i look at the homepage on my phone.
know what i'm saying?

what to-do apps have you used/are you using and which ones do you like? why?

so far i've used 'to do' which is basically just like Notes only worse and gives you an option to check things off, but it doesn't allow time frames, dates, anything like that.

'dobot todos' is annoying that the opening screen is 'personal' and 'work'. while you can add more lists, you can't delete them. what if i just want one big list? it's dumb to have to go into sub-categories if you don't need them. at least there's a little 'check mark' next to ones you get done i guess. plus you can assign a day to do them.

then there's 'evernote' which seems like a nice one because you can do text, voice, picture notes, etc. it also has the little icon i'm talking about, but only when you're IN the application. plus you have to register to use it and all which i think is unecesary.

i wish i had the knowledge to develop something as simple as notes with an easy checkbox and an number icon on the home screen. doesn't sound that complicated!

Try To Do by Erica Sadun... it has what you're looking for when it comes reminders on the main screen. If you have three tasks there will be the same notifer as in SMS and Email with the number 3 in the circle. It also allows you to add small notes with the task.

Its free so if you don't like it, you don't have to worry about wasted money.

Check out iProcrastinate. It's free on app store and it works well. The creater is also a member of our forum so it's free support too :D
I would like a To Do app that syncs with my iCal To Do's. Can't seem to find one though.

I'm going to get iProcrastinate for now, but it would be handy to have it syncing.
I would like a To Do app that syncs with my iCal To Do's. Can't seem to find one though.

I'm going to get iProcrastinate for now, but it would be handy to have it syncing.

He said syncing is on his list of next things to-do... A list probably kept on his iphone...
Zenbe's good, but I moved to ToodleDo + To Do

Zenbe is indeed worthy of consideration. However, I recently moved to a combo: Appigo's To Do app (icon = white checkmark on blue background {since there are assorted similarly named "ToDo" apps in the store}) on the iPhone, which syncs with web app ToodleDo ...
--- iPhone app screenies/info:
--- Web App:

The iPhone App
I rush to add: the iPhone app is in the $10 range. You do NOT "need" this $10 Appigo app. I grabbed it because it simply (1) makes it quicker to add things on the fly and (2) is always available, regardless of Net connection state. In addition, I checked out the "Features" page at the website prior to purchase, which sold me-- you can set up tasks for one-tap ease in calling, emailing or visting a website. There's even a Notes field per task. And it's the one app which has yet to crash or do anything weird. Once I got it on my iPhone, I was beyond pleased!

The Web App
After spending considerable time with Zenbe (pre-version 2/iPhone), and then comparing it with ToodleDo, the latter won my heart. The more I use it, the more I love it. To get a more hands on view of the actual feature comparisons (vs Zenbe, Remember the Milk and others), open a free account, then tap the "upgrade" link on the bottom left column, which leads you to a detailed comparison chart.

You set up your options on the website, such as
-- configuring sms and/or email alerts
-- desired categories
-- desired contexts
-- preferred view, such as:
......... the tab you want auto-opened upon arrival
......... columns you want to see
......... resize columns
-- default category/context
and a slew of other options. For me, subtasks are important, so I am now trying out ToodleDo's Pro account, which costs just under $15 annually. (If you don't want subtasks, you can easily live with the freebie account.) I can tell you now that, after a mere 3 days of indulging that trial, I'll be HAPPY to whip out my CC first thing Saturday morning (and I'm a stone cold freebie hound!!).

There's an add-on for Firefox, so you can pop open a quickie toDo screen to add something on the fly. Likewise, you can twitter a todo, email it, etc; opt for Google calendar (or any ical friendly calendar) integration/sync ....

In short, ToodleDo pulled me precisely because it is so highly configurable. Warning: I had to poke around in the forums and help file a bit to truly comprehend the "how" re harnessing the power, but I gotta tell you, it's proven to be time very well spent.
I purchased ToDo by Appigo. It cost $10, but for me it is worth every penny. It does everything I need. It supports repeating tasks, syncs with 2 online services, and its icon contains an indicator of how many tasks are either due today or are overdue. I highly recommend this application.
Another Appigo purchaser here. I have it hooked into my Remember The Milk web account. Syncs perfectly. RTM also syncs up with iCal and Google Calendar.

Quite happy with this combo.
Another vote for Appigo's ToDo from me! I had previously purchased OmniFocus as well but found it too complex and slow and the sync was slow and required desktop OmniFocus (another $80) to be of any use beyond a backup. The only thing missing for me on ToDo at the moment is tags support as I prefer to keep my contexts really simple (Home, Personal, Work) and then use tags to separate things out like Bills, Dogs etc.

I had previously been using Remember The Milk but just wasn't a big fan of their interface so have recently switched to ToodleDo and am quite enjoying it although the color scheme is kinda ugly but the FireFox integration rocks!
<snip>The only thing missing for me on ToDo at the moment is tags support as I prefer to keep my contexts really simple (Home, Personal, Work) and then use tags to separate things out like Bills, Dogs etc.
It's unclear whether you're aware of this already, so FYI: ToodleDo does have this feature. You go into Account Settings, then checkmark Tags-- which makes that column show up in your ToDo list. As for the iPhone/Appigo's To Do app, I just use the Notes field. Since ToodleDo is also searchable, so long as I'm consistent with the tag/note stuff, it's gravy!:D
It's unclear whether you're aware of this already, so FYI: ToodleDo does have this feature. You go into Account Settings, then checkmark Tags-- which makes that column show up in your ToDo list. As for the iPhone/Appigo's To Do app, I just use the Notes field. Since ToodleDo is also searchable, so long as I'm consistent with the tag/note stuff, it's gravy!:D

It took me a while to figure that out on Toodledo but yes I'm aware of tags there, would just be nice if they also synced with ToDo on the iPhone and I've seen it has been requested by others as a feature and may be added soon. *fingers crossed*
I just got Omnifocus a few days ago. It's not quite as complex as a standalone iphone app. Here's a quick review for people not using the desktop application with it:

It's got great support
Nice interface
More GTD oriented (I even bought the book cause of it)
Will have alot of features implemented in the future (so says their team)
Easy to learn (1-2 days max)

Slow load (3-4 seconds)
Says it crashed sometimes upon opening
No alarm for reminders
No recurring events (which they might add)
I just got Omnifocus a few days ago. It's not quite as complex as a standalone iphone app. Here's a quick review for people not using the desktop application with it:

It's got great support
Nice interface
More GTD oriented (I even bought the book cause of it)
Will have alot of features implemented in the future (so says their team)
Easy to learn (1-2 days max)

Slow load (3-4 seconds)
Says it crashed sometimes upon opening
No alarm for reminders
No recurring events (which they might add)
Thanks for the review and pros/cons.

I am close to getting both the desktop and iPhone app.

Checking out some others as well.
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