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macrumors 601
Original poster
Dec 2, 2003
Hi, I just swithed to os x and am looking for the best news groups reader so I can download from the picture groups. My favorite by far in os 9 was hogwasher because I could just set it up to download pictures and walk away and then later just use the built in picture viewer. Any suggestions?
Re: best usenet reader for picture groups in X?

Originally posted by motulist
Hi, I just swithed to os x and am looking for the best news groups reader so I can download from the picture groups. My favorite by far in os 9 was hogwasher because I could just set it up to download pictures and walk away and then later just use the built in picture viewer. Any suggestions?
You may want to check out Halime. However, you can do your own research. There is a link to Halime here.
Duff-Man says...I have generally found Halime to be a bit finicky with yenc encoded stuff although I do prefer it alternative is always MT Newswatcher which seems to handle just about anything if you set it properly....oh yeah!
Thoth is very good with binary groups, the multi-thread queue window is particularly useful, as you can set downloads from a number of groups and then let it get on with it.

Handles yenc fine as well, and will view in-line if neccesary.

I use Graphic Converter to view files generally.
Originally posted by WinterMute
Thoth is very good with binary groups, the multi-thread queue window is particularly useful, as you can set downloads from a number of groups and then let it get on with it.

Handles yenc fine as well, and will view in-line if neccesary.

I use Graphic Converter to view files generally.
Thoth is a shareware incarnation of YA-NewsWatcher, which was a variation of the freeware NewsWatcher usenet application. YA-NewsWatcher was my favorite reader on MacOS 8, but I am not willing to pay for Thoth.
Yes, I used MT-newswatcher under 9, and very good it was too. OSX put paid to it, and there is no yenc support anyway. I rather suspect the kind of groups we're talking about here use yenc quite a lot now.

I have no problem supporting good shareware, I've used GraphicConverter for years, and Thoth is stable and quick, and does what it's supposed to do.

Sure there are plenty of others, and motulist wanted suggestions.
Originally posted by MisterMe
Thoth is a shareware incarnation of YA-NewsWatcher, which was a variation of the freeware NewsWatcher usenet application. YA-NewsWatcher was my favorite reader on MacOS 8, but I am not willing to pay for Thoth.

thoth may be based on the code... but for binaries, it is far superior.

Thoth is prob the best way to go for binaries.

If you are interested in pictures specifically, there's always

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