It's spring cleaning of electronics at my place today! I need to back up data across several Macs to one 2TB external hard drive. I want to be able to keep track of which computers these backups are from - Work, Home, my parents, etc. but the Time Machine backup file won't let me edit the name of the file. What's the best way for me to do this?
These are computers that I will not be backing up regularly - the majority of them will be "retired", with only 2 being active, and I have separate externals that I can use to keep them current if that's a good option. I don't want to partition the drive because for instance, one drive is 500 GB and has 48 GB of information on it, and I don't want to waste the space. The goal is to be able to rid my place of the old computers/cords/etc but still have the data available to me and know where to find what without having to dig around. This would include needing to keep old applications/possibly operating systems in order to access the data.
Thank you in advance!
These are computers that I will not be backing up regularly - the majority of them will be "retired", with only 2 being active, and I have separate externals that I can use to keep them current if that's a good option. I don't want to partition the drive because for instance, one drive is 500 GB and has 48 GB of information on it, and I don't want to waste the space. The goal is to be able to rid my place of the old computers/cords/etc but still have the data available to me and know where to find what without having to dig around. This would include needing to keep old applications/possibly operating systems in order to access the data.
Thank you in advance!