I find a damp (not sopping wet) cotton cloth works best then dry with a clean cotton towel. It removes the dust, costs practically nothing, leaves no residue like Pledge and similar products, quick and easy to work with, no oily over spray plus I have found that dust remains away just as long as if you used Pledge. I would use an old cotton towel and wash cloth as they have been laundered multiple times thus are less likely to leave lint after dusting. Don't use blends just 100% cotton as the synthetics may scratch plastic surfaces.
Swiffer's are okay. They are more expensive than a cloth and water as they need to be replaced often. I also found them to be less effective though quicker but are only useful on smooth surfaces. They grab any textured surface making dusting of many surfaces impossible.
Don't use the dusting attachment on a vacuum. It is not that effective unless you have a high end vacuum, sucks up objects you don't want to leave the surface and the bristles will scratch up any sleek and shiny plastic surface.
I would also dust computer screen first so that it will be completely dust free. As the cloths get used they will leave at least a tiny amount of dust after cleaning, this is unavoidable but the amount is so minuscule it can hardly be detected on shiny black surfaces.
If the screen is dirty and the water will not clean dampen another cloth with rubbing alcohol and apply to the screen then remove with your drying cloth. Do not use Windex, as I recall Windex can damage anti-glare coatings. Don't use paper towels for this either as they can scratch plastic as well. I think rubbing alcohol is what they use in those insanely priced LCD cleaning towelettes.