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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 6, 2017
So, I have a great Macbook pro. 2015 3.1 ghz still as powerful as the new ones but sure you can spend some money to beat it.

Anyways, I'm looking at buying a desktop Mac of some form. What's the best way to keep them synced up so I have all the same files in all the same places and can just type my password and get to work? Not looking to get into doing it if there's really any work once it gets up and going (obviously there will be some setup).

I'd love to hear any thoughts. Thanks in advance.


macrumors 604
Jan 6, 2005
iCloud sync may be all you need. Dropbox is the gold standard if you need more options.
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macrumors 65816
Sep 15, 2009
I use Onedrive because I have to use a Windows machine for work purposes and anything I save to the Onedrive Documents folder syncs across all my devices. If you only have Apple devices than iCloud will be fine.
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macrumors 65816
May 24, 2009
If you have ChronoSync you could set it up to do the syncing. Have 2 jobs setup and run which ever one needs to be ran to sync from laptop to desktop or from desktop to laptop.


macrumors 68020
Jan 23, 2017
For your needs, cloud storage (such as DropBox, iCloud, or OneDrive) or Network Attached Storage (essentially a personal cloud where you own the hard drive that store the data rather than renting space from a third party company) should work well. If you wanted more redundancy for greater protection of data files, you could combine NAS and a commercial cloud storage solution, or combine NAS or a commercial cloud storage solution with something like Time Machine or cloning software. Some NAS enclosures also allow you to save an identical copy to two separate hard drives simultaneously through RAID 1 mode - so, should one hard drive fail, you have a spare backup so your data is not lost.

Will you want to access your information from other platforms, such as Android, iOS, Windows Mobile phones, or Windows or Linux computers?

How large are the files you want to sync?


macrumors 65816
May 24, 2009
It comes down to what is important and what can you afford to lose or recreate.

If you have items in Dropbox or other cloud type services I still maintain you should back them up as well. This has saved my wife when working on team projects and someone corrupts a file.

When it comes to data, photos and music I back it all up to an external drive. In fact, multiple external drives as needed.


macrumors regular
Apr 5, 2017
Dropbox/Google Drive/Onedrive and/or iCloud sync would fit your needs well.

I use Google Drive for the 15gb freebie but each one has its own pros and cons.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 23, 2012
Is there a service that does this locally? Cloud based options are great except for when you have ****** internet.

Let’s say you want an identical desktop. Is it possible to use tech like time machine to keep track of revisions? Like, is git powerful enough to revise an entire computer and can it be setup that way?
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