I'd like to offer a few additional suggestions to speed things up.
You have 8gb of installed RAM, right?
I'd suggest TURNING OFF Virtual Memory disk swapping, to see if that changes anything.
To turn it off, use this terminal command:
sudo launchctl unload -wF /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.dynamic_pager.plist
Your administrative password will be required.
Then, reboot, and enter this command:
rm /var/vm/swapfile*
(to see if it's actually off).
Run this way for 4-5 days.
Do things speed up?
Are things stable, i.e., no crashes?
If so, I'd "leave it be".
You -do- have to be mindful that if you start opening app after app after app, you COULD start pushing against your Mac's "upper limits" for RAM (since it won't be "paging out" and "paging in" any more).
If you want to re-enable VM disk swaps, enter this in terminal:
sudo launchctl load -wF /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.dynamic_pager.plist
(and reboot).
I'd also suggest you KILL Spotlight.
You can turn it off with this command:
sudo mdutil -a -i off
Password is required.
If you've been getting a lot of beachballs after startup, this may definitely help.
To re-enable Spotlight, enter:
sudo mdutil -a -i on
(I -think- that's the right command, I've ALWAYS disabled Spotlight first thing on ALL my Macs, I NEVER re-enable it and don't miss it at all)
Other folks are going to jump in and say, "don't do these things".
I say, give them a try and see if it helps, you can always reverse things if you don't like it.
Personal experience:
I've been running my late 2012 Mac Mini (10gb of RAM) with VM disabled for months and months, NO CRASHES AT ALL. Your mileage may vary...