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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 7, 2010
Would you guys say that Atomic Browser is the best way to use FB because its full site + chat works in it UNLIKE SAFARI!?

Or would you say the iphone FB app

or maybe those new ipad fb apps - friendly and or social app

im talking for casual use, update statuses, comment on walls / photos, and most importantly, CHAT.

Does anyone know if Social has chat?
Would you guys say that Atomic Browser is the best way to use FB because its full site + chat works in it UNLIKE SAFARI!?

Or would you say the iphone FB app

or maybe those new ipad fb apps - friendly and or social app

im talking for casual use, update statuses, comment on walls / photos, and most importantly, CHAT.

I use safari for fb and the aim client for chat. not ideal but it works I suppose. I tried atomic to use fb chat and it was hardly useable. slow and buggy well chatting.
I use safari for fb and the aim client for chat. not ideal but it works I suppose. I tried atomic to use fb chat and it was hardly useable. slow and buggy well chatting.

yea, unfortunately the dam iphone app is still the best for overall features...except 2x'd.
I use safari for facebook, the iPhone app for uploading pictures and another app for chat. Not being apple to upload anything via safari is lame and aggravates me to no end.
Funny you mention this - I actually just got done recording episode 87 for the iPad Possibilities Podcast - and its an episode all about Facebook on the iPad - it'll be up at iPadPossibilities on Thursday.

FaceBook on iPad

This may seem crazy but i had to jail break my ipad...this allows me to do screencasts using my ipad on screen for recording. The cool thing is they have a great way to view the iphone facebook app for ipad. I was a bit worried about the jail break. However, it has worked great, very stable and i jail broke it a couple months ago.
I still prefer Facebook native app using the fullforce plugin from cydia. Stay away from social, it wants your permission to mine your data while your offline, but friendly is nice and has chat.
I jailbroke my iPad, then installed an app called FullForce, it forces apps to run in iPad mode (not all apps work, however). And then I just use the normal Facebook iPhone app. Works great.
The full site in Safari is best. It's the most featured and they've got rid of the clutter on profiles. I use the iPhone app (FullForced) if I need to upload images or chat.
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