For MacBook Air
Huh why not? the app is usually streamlined and faster then opening a webpage. the app gives me more info faster and in a more practical form.Sorry, let me clarify my terse response. I hate with a passion the fact that so many people think they need an "app" for functions/information that is easily obtainable as a website. Installing apps on either a computer or smartphone should never be done if the same functionality is available from the web.
Huh why not? the app is usually streamlined and faster then opening a webpage. the app gives me more info faster and in a more practical form.
Sorry, let me clarify my terse response. I hate with a passion the fact that so many people think they need an "app" for functions/information that is easily obtainable as a website. Installing apps on either a computer or smartphone should never be done if the same functionality is available from the web.
I'll agree with you dwfaust. Whereas I would never download a weather app on any of my computers, I do have a few weather apps on my iPhone. "Wunderground", "SailFlow", and "RadarScope" do excel in what the do on iOS. Those are however the only apps on my iPhone for weather and I would never even consider one on a computer. The rest are simply home screen icons to NOAA/NWS pages.I would agree when it comes to a computer, but strongly disagree with a mobile device like a smartphone
RadarScope does actually have a Mac OS version (, I have radarscope on my iPhone.. I love it, but they don't make a OSX Version. I wanted something like that if possible.
Yes, RadarScope is excellent. May seem expensive, but it's worth every penny IMO. It doesn't have forecasts, though. For that, as others have said, I would recommend the National Weather Service at
Please do not use weather apps if you are seeking for a reliable forecast. They are just what the model guidance spits out, and have very little human input.
I have been using Forecast Bar as a menu item. It also has a Notification Center widget if you prefer that.
No... I ditched it even though I liked the aesthetics of the app. The weather was always way off for me (Southern California). I've gone back to just using the default Notification Center weather widget and that seems very accurate for me.Do you still use this today?
No... I ditched it even though I liked the aesthetics of the app. The weather was always way off for me (Southern California). I've gone back to just using the default Notification Center weather widget and that seems very accurate for me.
If you go to this site and enter your zip code it will show you how accurate all the different weather forecast providers have been. Historically (used by Forecast Bar) is near the bottom of the pile for my zip code.