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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 17, 2008
I finally got around to installing beta 3 v5 last night and I've got to say, what an anti-climax! Am I missing something really cool with it? I'm missing most of my jb apps already and most of the new features are things I could do already (I do kind of like the global search and the way they've done copy and paste though).

Is there a list anywhere of the jb apps that do currently work with the beta before I screw anything up trying?
I like it, I have found lots of little tweaks that make my phone better! just small changes like details in the Recent calls and scrubbing speed in podcast etc.

I don't miss anything from my jailbreak except SBSettings and PDANet but i can cope without them :)

Have you Jailbroken your 3.0 Handset?
Maybe I just need to give it more of a chance. Are any apps using the new push service yet?
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