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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 22, 2014
I have been on the developer betas since about 3 or 4 and not had too many issues. I'm on 6 now and the OS keeps locking up with beach ball.. Can seem to find what is causing it. Tried an SMC reset with no joy. The spaces gesture is no longer working either. On a 2015 rMBP. Any suggestions?
Same here... Spaces gestures were fixed by a restart, but the beach balls are annoying on such a newer machine. Oh well... that's a beta.
On PB4, I'm getting the same two problems.

I've noticed the freezes are much less frequent when I'm hooked up to a charger (regardless of battery state).

Toggling spaces gesture on-and-off in Touchpad preferences fixes it, at least for a while.
This often happens to me on Safari (even completely stock Safari with cache deleted, all extensions disabled and all bookmarks removed). The system becomes completely unresponsive for 10-40 seconds. It's extremely infuriating.
same here, I've got the newest PB (which I suppose is the same with the latest DP) and I've got a lot of beachballs and system hang. Spaces gesture's often not working too after this serial of hangs.
Yep I am getting lost constant beach balls. When the lockups occur kernel_task has almost constant high CPU usage and logs are filled with WindowServer errors.

This build is pretty much unusable for me.
Did you guys try waiting a few minutes before restart? I experience occasional hang ups of WindowServer on DP6, but it gets restarted by the system after half a minute or so.
Did you guys try waiting a few minutes before restart? I experience occasional hang ups of WindowServer on DP6, but it gets restarted by the system after half a minute or so.
Yes. For me the system followed this pattern:

1 minute usable
30 seconds unusable
1 minute usable
30 seconds not usable
Ad infinitum
Did you guys try waiting a few minutes before restart? I experience occasional hang ups of WindowServer on DP6, but it gets restarted by the system after half a minute or so.

Mine is nearly constant. Interestingly I reset SMC and it fixed it for a number of hours but after the computer woke after sleeping is started up again.
I'm also having this exact same issue, and have been since Beta 4. I've done some Console checking and noticed that whenever the crash/freeze happens, I get kernel[0]: disk2: I/O error.

Now, normally, this would instantly make me jump to an impending drive failure, however I've verified the SMART status and everything seems to be alright, as well as verifying the disk itself using Disk Utility, which has again come back fine.

I'm not sure what's causing this (I guess it could be an oncoming drive failure, at a push), but it seems interesting that this same issue's being reported by a number of people on the forum and it's unlikely that, if it's the same cause for all of us, that all of our drives are on the verge of failure!

For reference, I'm running the latest developer build on a Late 2014 Retina iMac.

I'm considering making the jump back to Yosemite, just out of curiosity and to verify whether I'm getting the same issue on there, but I'm reluctant to think it's anything other than a strange bug in El Capitan.
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I was having this issue (retina MacBook 2015) and then I (i) reset PRAM and (ii) reset the SMC and things cleared up a lot. I was still getting the spinning beachball with some individual applications (e.g. evernote) — but I think that is an app-level issue. Cleared up with reinstalling and then rebuilding the notes database.
I agree : DP6 freezes often, Office 2016 crashes, ... waiting for the new build !
For me, sidebar freezes when it shows. Also sometimes when I call dictionary app in Safari, the colorful ball shows too.
Yep, just started getting this today too. This and a few other weird bugs make this probably the most irritating beta so far. Fingers crossed that it's cleared up in the next release!
Yep, just started getting this today too. This and a few other weird bugs make this probably the most irritating beta so far. Fingers crossed that it's cleared up in the next release!

This is coming up a lot. Try disabling "ambient light compensation" in System Preferences -> Displays

This pretty much got rid of the spinning beachballs for me. I was getting them a lot before.
This is coming up a lot. Try disabling "ambient light compensation" in System Preferences -> Displays

This pretty much got rid of the spinning beachballs for me. I was getting them a lot before.

For some reason I don't have that option in my Displays preferences, it's just not there.
So not a good idea to upgrade my Macbook Air 2011 to the newest beta? Still running Yosemite at the moment.
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