It is obvious that Apple needs to work on things. I am an avid Apple fan and always have been. However, Apple has just been spreading themselves way too thin. They not only create the OS and hardware, but most all of the everyday programs most people use on their mac: mail, browser, music, movie, pictures, backup, snycronizing, calendar/planner, chat, database, word processing, professional movie production, dvd burning, address book, homepage, iDisk, search tool(sherlock), among other things. This doesn't even count the stuff they are doing for windows, MP3 players cross platform, servers, etc. With this many programs all being worked on at the same time it is no wonder they are having problems creating typical high quality AND reliable Apple stuff!!! I wonder if Beta should be applied to many of Apple's realeases of late. It it me, or is it interesting that Apple still has not done mainstream advertising on this because it is still "beta" and not ready for mainstream use???? Their advertising still focuses on hardware, ipod's and iTunes.