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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Feb 4, 2003
New HAMpshire
It is obvious that Apple needs to work on things. I am an avid Apple fan and always have been. However, Apple has just been spreading themselves way too thin. They not only create the OS and hardware, but most all of the everyday programs most people use on their mac: mail, browser, music, movie, pictures, backup, snycronizing, calendar/planner, chat, database, word processing, professional movie production, dvd burning, address book, homepage, iDisk, search tool(sherlock), among other things. This doesn't even count the stuff they are doing for windows, MP3 players cross platform, servers, etc. With this many programs all being worked on at the same time it is no wonder they are having problems creating typical high quality AND reliable Apple stuff!!! I wonder if Beta should be applied to many of Apple's realeases of late. It it me, or is it interesting that Apple still has not done mainstream advertising on this because it is still "beta" and not ready for mainstream use???? Their advertising still focuses on hardware, ipod's and iTunes.
I think that Apple has realized through a fairly unsuccessful "switch" campaign that they are not going to be able to get people to buy a Mac just because it is faster, secure, virus free, and more stable. The general public doesn't think that hard when buying a computer. Apple is focusing their attention on the up and coming digital music market, because they realize that their superior products have an equal chance from the get-go since people are buying their first mp3 player and won't buy one kind simply because that's what they've always had. Apple hopes that the successes of their music products will draw people into seeing the benefits of the Macintosh world, and make the switch if it is right for them.
Apple is creating all of these things to make sure that Mac users have everythign they need for free or a low price and so that you don't have to worry about the future of your Mac. The one thing Apple has going for it is that they make the HW, SW and OS, so they all work together.

I do NOT think Apple's stuff of late has been buggy. Jaguar was fantastic, stable, fast and useful. If you are referring to the 10.2.8 thing...well that happens from time to time.

Panther is awesome, if you want to say something abt the FWHD's and FileVault issues how many people are really having that issue? As of when I made this post, Mac polls has a current poll asking if you've lost data or suffered corruption as a result of Panther... As of now, 2213 people have answered and only 201 and one people have had this issue...that's less than 10% so it's not as wide spread as we think.

Apple makes great stuff. They still do not have any where near the issues of the WinTel or Windows world.

Call it blind it what you will...Apple's doing pretty damn good with me.
Originally posted by MacBoyX
I do NOT think Apple's stuff of late has been buggy.

Apple makes great stuff. They still do not have any where near the issues of the WinTel or Windows world.

Call it blind it what you will...Apple's doing pretty damn good with me.

I agree with most of what you said, but I tend to disagree with the fact that apple makes great stuff as a global statement. Most of their stuff is great, much of it is kiind of crappy. Look into the reliability of .Mac specifically Homepage...going on for almost a year of very unreliable service, .Mac mail was very unreliable for a long time (I use it entirely now and love it and have had very reliable service, but many issues in the past), virex update issues. iSync issues surrounding Palm PDA's, Backup issues (which I have had...locks up half the time and I have tweaked nothing and not installed any additional third party software as of yet...just updated apple software.)

That being said, yes Apple is so much better than M$, but I want it to stay that way...they don't need to rush out software like they are...take their time and make ti right! that is all I am saying. It is not like they are going to lose market share...not much to lose...only gain by making great software that really works...reliably!
Re: Beta from Apple?

Originally posted by flyfish29
It it me, or is it interesting that Apple still has not done mainstream advertising on this because it is still "beta" and not ready for mainstream use???? Their advertising still focuses on hardware, ipod's and iTunes.

AFAIK Apple hasn't ever done serious mainstream advertising on Mac OS (Classic or X).
I wish they did. Apple's hardware is well known over here, but many have absolutely no idea "which version of Windows runs on it".... :rolleyes:
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