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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 5, 2021
I recently made a local password manager with nearby sharing and syncing for iOS.

My motivation for this project was trying to strike a balance between the convenience of cloud-based password managers and the security of fully local solutions like KeePass. I didn't like the idea of storing passwords, however strongly encrypted, in the cloud, but local password databases made sharing passwords across multiple devices cumbersome. So I wanted to make a password manager that stores data locally but makes sharing and syncing a bit easier.

My app stores its encrypted password database fully locally, but supports sharing passwords with nearby devices via local networking (LAN and P2P Wi-Fi Direct using Apple's Multipeer Connectivity), and optionally automatically syncing password databases between trusted devices when they are nearby and have the app open. Of course, all of this is done with end-to-end encryption (each device generates a unique public-private key pair for password encryption and decryption--more details on this below).

My app is called, uncreatively, NoCloud Password Safe. Here are some more details:

NoCloud Password Safe is a lightweight local password manager, where you can keep, fill, and securely share passwords without storing data in the cloud.

  • Passwords are encrypted (with public-key cryptography, using Apple's eciesEncryptionCofactorX963SHA256AESGCM algorithm) for local, on-device storage
  • Generates 256-bit elliptic curve public/private keys for password encryption and decryption, which are stored in the device Secure Enclave and managed by the iOS system (in devices with A7 chips or later)
  • Password sharing driven by local networking and bluetooth rather than cloud services
    • Securely share passwords with nearby devices (end-to-end encryption enabled by device cryptographic keys)
    • Automatically sync password database between nearby trusted devices (also with end-to-end public key encryption)
    • Optionally export/import password database as file with public key encryption (only readable by the target device) for remote sharing and backup
  • Supports Face ID/Touch ID user authentication in addition to an application-level password
  • AutoFill passwords in browsers and apps
If you are interested, feel free to beta test the app on TestFlight. Link here. Any constructive feedback welcomed and appreciated!
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