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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 21, 2018
1.) Does better CPU in macbook (quad-core vs dual-core i5) will alow macbook to generate less heat?
2.) Does more RAM (16GB vs 8GB) allow macbook to generate less heat i.e. be cooler?
3.) Does dedicated graphic card in 15" version macbook pro, allow macbook to stay cooler while watching youtube videos?
4.) What is the component that generate the most heat in the macbook?

So my goal is to have macbook that stays cooler without getting to high levels of noise while watching youtube videos, running virtual machine, running Office programs.


macrumors 68020
Oct 18, 2008
No, in theory over a long period both should generate a similar amount of heat, but a quad core will do the same work in a shorter time and thus get hotter for a short period before cooling down quicker.

more ram will generate a marginally larger amount of heat because more ram needs more power to run. But this will be very negligible, and barely a factor worth considering.

dedicated card will always use cause more heat whilst active. Watching youtube videos it would not be active, and videos decoded in hardware.

cpu and gpu will be by far the biggest heat generators, as they use the most power alongside the screen backlight.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 21, 2018
Thank you @iMacDragon Would you please tell me more:

1.) would 15" (with GPU) be better option to watch youtube videos i.e. will it stay cooler just because it has GPU while 13" does not. I mean, I usually run few programms, youtube videos, excel spredsheat, or some IDE and similar.

Sometimes I open Photoshop or Illustrator, but am not Graphic Designer or similar.


macrumors 68020
Oct 18, 2008
No, for just using safari to watch youtube videos the gpu would make no difference either way as it would remain disabled as unneeded. Unless using an external monitor, then the gpu is forced on and will run hotter in 15'
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 21, 2018
Thank you! Once more question. Yes, I plan to use monitor (probably Dell 27) with the macbook pro.

Would you go with: macbook pro 15, macbook pro 13 or macbook pro 13 (2017)?

So, as I said I use often multiple programms: Excel, Youtube, sometimes VMWare, IDE and similar.


macrumors 68020
Oct 18, 2008
If for whatever reason you want things as cool as possible, the 13" is probably going to run cooler, especially if running a monitor.

The 15" is more powerful, though. I got the 15" because I want as much screen space as I can.
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Oct 28, 2016
Thank you! Once more question. Yes, I plan to use monitor (probably Dell 27) with the macbook pro.

Would you go with: macbook pro 15, macbook pro 13 or macbook pro 13 (2017)?

So, as I said I use often multiple programms: Excel, Youtube, sometimes VMWare, IDE and similar.
Remember, the 13” when is not using medium high cpu or gpu the fans remain at 0 Rpm,so, as others mention, the 13 mbp temp are around 45C while the base 15” will have around 38C
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