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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 14, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Okay well, some of you know, I'm 14. I have an iMac G4 3 years old, and it's running slow. My marks in school arint so great, so I made a deal with my parints, that if I get an average of 80 for 2 terms They Will get me a new computer. I want a laptop. But I'm not sure whats will be better for me.
I would like to go in to graphic design or Music production once i graduate high school (2 years).
So the 2 computers i'm stuck between is.

MacBook Pro:

1GB 667 DDR2 - 1 SO-DIMM
120GB Serial ATA drive @ 5400 rpm
ATI Mobility Radeon X1600 - 256MB GDDR3
SuperDrive (DVD±RW/CD-RW)
AirPort Extreme Card & Bluetooth
Backlit Keyboard/Mac OS - U.S. English
Apple USB Modem
15.4-inch TFT Display





2GB 667 DDR2 SDRAM - 2x1GB
500GB Serial ATA drive
ATI Radeon X1600/256MB VRAM
SuperDrive 8x (DVD+R DL/DVD+RW/CD-RW)
Keyboard & Mighty Mouse + Mac OS X - U.S. English
Accessory kit
20-inch widescreen LCD
2GHz Intel Core Duo
AirPort Extreme
Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR


But again, I really want a laptop, and I alread have a iMac G4.
Well, if you wait two terms, the MacBooks should come out (the new iBook). That might be another option to consider. I prefer laptops just because they have built-in backup power and upgrading a desktop is costly enough that you might as well buy a new computer every so often.

Plus your post notes a $200 difference (before taxes I assume). Just work for the $200 + tax and get the laptop.
I wouldn't even worry about it until your 2 terms are up and you're successful. By then, the playing field for current Macs will have changed (probably) drastically.
True. Well I know i don't want and iBook. But if a new laptop comes out thats better then the macbook or maybe better then the iBook then i will look at that. I'm just really excited about it. I just hope i can do it. I really don't know if i can. I get distracted easily.
Dang, all you have to get is an 80 and you get a new computer? That sounds like it's a pretty sweet deal. I would think A's would be a goal for something that grand.

You talked about earning money at your should try to let people know about your DJ skills and get that mixer out and do some dances. Even with your own friends you should be able to do some parties for very little (or even do some free the first few months). That would be a fun job!

And I think you should wait to see what's available when your terms are over. Things are changing so fast as it is!
My parents never had the money to offer me something like this for good grades. But I know if they ever would have I would have just bit the bullet and did the work that needed to be done. You can do it you just have to want to do well, not just for a computer. But because you want to, if you have this I am sure you can reach your goal with no problems.

Plus in the end the reward is pretty darn good...
iSaint said:
Dang, all you have to get is an 80 and you get a new computer? That sounds like it's a pretty sweet deal. I would think A's would be a goal for something that grand.

You talked about earning money at your should try to let people know about your DJ skills and get that mixer out and do some dances. Even with your own friends you should be able to do some parties for very little (or even do some free the first few months). That would be a fun job!

And I think you should wait to see what's available when your terms are over. Things are changing so fast as it is!

Yea really.
I did try to start a dj thing, but i need speackers and all that, renting it is like 60$. once i graduate, i will definitly get a job, save up, buy the stuff. Keep the day job, and at night DJ.
hopefully the day job will be graphic design. RIght now, im no good, but with practice hopefully i will get better. And those 2 things i enjoy lot.

@yellow, I know school is importnat, but I just cant concintrate. However if I'm getting a mac then I think i will be more focused and want the mac but at the same time i will learn, because in order to get the good grades, i have to do my homework, and work hard. It's a win win. But last term i got a 66%, this term might be the same or worse, I don't know.

Also, yea, I'm sure there will be some cool new things, we shall see, but 5 months. I'm not sure if there will be that much new things.
I just realized, what a lame title for the thread.

Anyway, I got my marks.

Term 3: I got a 74, but my parents said, if I get a 76 in term 4, I can get the computer...

Term 4:...

I'm so proud, I did amazing, it's the best make ive ever gotten.. ever. So not I dissided I want a macbook Pro, but I'm not sure if I should wait untill AFTER WWDC comes around.. What are your opinions?
DJMastaWes said:
To person who edited my post. Yes they were neccisary, they were for suspence.
No, they weren't. If your post was edited, it was edited by a moderator for a reason. If you want suspense, use white text, not many, many, many blank lines.
I found it necessary :( .

Anyway, so should I wait untill WWDC? As you can imageing, I'm really excited, and normally I would go out and buy it right away, but I figured, maybe apple might suprise us with OS 10.5, or Rev B. Macbook Pro or something really cool I can slip in with the purchase of the MBP.
Do you need it now? That's the best way to put it. If I had the money, I'd wait until WWDC and get a Mac Pro, they look very promising.

BUT, if you want to go mobile then get a MacBook Pro now, there's no point in waiting for it, they are fast enough as it is.
Well, my harddrive is really low, I have about 1.0 GB left, when I use the computer i get a message saying like. "diskspace low" and it's really annoying. On the other hand, if there is going to be somekind of update on the macbook pro, like Firewire 800 or something (I want the 15 " btw.. the 17 i find is way to big and unnecessary) then it's probebly worth it. Ive been useing this computer witht he harddrive space low for about 6 months now, I can wait another 1.5 months.
Disk space low warnings should be HEEDED, and not IGNORED.

You put your data in peril, I hope you have a good backup.

It's my suggestion that you wait until WWDC to see what is offered. And in the meantime, get yourself a cheap FireWire enclosure and harddrive, put them together, and cure your disk space woes. You could probably manage that for ~GBP60
DJMastaWes said:
I just realized, what a lame title for the thread.

Anyway, I got my marks.

Term 3: I got a 74, but my parents said, if I get a 76 in term 4, I can get the computer...

Term 4:...

I'm so proud, I did amazing, it's the best make ive ever gotten.. ever. So not I dissided I want a macbook Pro, but I'm not sure if I should wait untill AFTER WWDC comes around.. What are your opinions?

So you didn't achieve your goal of an 80 average...but you get the computer anyway? Please send over your parent's phone number, I'd like to apply to be their new kid.
DJMastaWes said:
Anyway, so should I wait untill WWDC? As you can imageing, I'm really excited, and normally I would go out and buy it right away, but I figured, maybe apple might suprise us with OS 10.5, or Rev B. Macbook Pro or something really cool I can slip in with the purchase of the MBP.
There will likely be at least minor tweaks to the computer lineup announced, but of course that doesn't guarantee they'll be shipping. Also, 10.5 will not - absolutely - be shipping then or anytime in 2006.

If it were me, I'd get the system now and get an extra couple of months of use out of it instead of waiting all that time for what likely won't be an appreciable improvement in terms of your needs.
savar said:
So you didn't achieve your goal of an 80 average...but you get the computer anyway? Please send over your parent's phone number, I'd like to apply to be their new kid.

Oh opps.. yea I forgot, we changed that deal, it was changed to a 75% because I knew i would probebly not be able to do it. Some of the smartest kids in my class dont have a 80% average, so I talked them down to a 75%. I also convinced them with

"well, my computer is running slow, and old, and you guys do want me to do your website, and a new computer will be needed for that, so I see it as, if i get a 75%, I'm just getting a BETTER computer then if i didint get a 75."


As for the hardrive think, Is it really a problem, I'm not really sure what I should so about taht, most of the space is my music, and the rest is Adobe and Macromidea and Office. Which I use by the way. And I don't have money for a new hard drive.. Will a month and a half hurt it? Because once i get the MBP.. i'm sitll keeping the iMac, for interenet and downlaods, but i plan on getting an External HD with the MBP... So untill then, will my computer be fine?

EDIT: To person above me.. Yea i guess. But keep in mind, I'm in an Enriched program, so the 79% is worth like a 95% in the regular program.
For what I've heard, they are about the speed of a G4 (same as a powerbook g4 around that), they run under ROSETTA, an invisible process that lets you run PPC apps on an Intel machine. Rosetta craves ram, so if you were to go intel, ram would really give you a boost. Adobe isn't going to release a universal version of their products for a while and I'm not sure when office is going universal either.
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