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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 30, 2013
This is kind of a rant so if that’s not your thing please do not read.

I recently traded in a Series 4 for a Series 6. I wanted to do the trade in while in the store picking up the Series 6, but was told due to COVID they were not able to do that. Which in and of itself bothers me because they still process returns and exchanges in store and still repair devices, all of which are more hands on than verifying the condition of a product and shipping it back to Apple for refurbishing or recycling. Anyways…

I pick up my new watch and promptly unpair and wipe my old watch and ship it back. They get it pretty quickly, but send me an email stating they were “unable to remove user data” and revised my trade in value to $0. So I chat with support and they state it appears the watch is iCloud locked. We walk through the steps and remove the watch again. I take the blame, I must have done something wrong and caused this. The rep states it is cleared and good to go and he will have them re-evaluate the watch and give me the original trade in value. He states this can take up to 6 business days so to be patient and that I will receive email correspondence from that team about it. I wait, and wait, and wait. The only emails I get are reminding me to either accept the $0 value or to reject it and they will mail the watch back to me. So I chat again and they make me aware that the trade in center is in TX and they were affected by the winter storms and that delayed this. I’m understanding and ask when I should expect to receive an email or a phone call. They suggest waiting until Monday. So I did - nothing. Finally I get a final reminder email to either accept the $0 or reject and have the watch returned to me. I chat in again asking about what was going on. I’m now told that they did email me and I never responded. I explain I never got an email. He then becomes condescending and says “that’s interesting because I show it was sent to you” and states my email address. I’m sorry - I didn’t get it. I’ve been watching my email for this. He asks me to check my junk - which I do all the time knowing that’s where it might end up. He has the team resend the email and it includes pictures of the watch. It’s in good condition, but the reason at the bottom of the email for the rejected trade in still states “unable to erase user data”. Rep verifies again that iCloud activation is not active on the watch. He’s unsure how to continue. I get disconnected. Explain this all again to the next rep who says he sent an email asking them to re-evaluate. I get an email a couple hours later that they received the watch in good condition and won’t accept liability for how it arrives back to me as it is the carriers responsibility and thanked for inquiring about the condition of my watch. I never inquired about the condition. I chat back in. The rep says they are looking into it. Disconnected again. I get another rep, same thing.
I’m so frustrated. I can’t wait to get the watch back and repair it with my boyfriends phone and have no issues with it whatsoever (just to show it isn’t locked to my account). Last trade in I did was in the store and it was smooth and had no issues. I just wanted to share my experience to be cautious when trading things in via mail to their trade in partner. Mine was messy and unresolved.


Apr 16, 2020
Sorry you had a terrible experience. There are many threads on MacRumors about bad trade-in experiences with Phobio, Apple's trade-in partner. Just a future suggestion to make your post more readable since it's long is to break it up into shorter paragraphs. You may also want to add Phobio's name to your post so that anyone searching for others' experiences with them will find your post too.

If your local store isn't taking trade-ins, that's too bad but maybe they will soon. I know my local Apple Store does take trade-ins; I didn't realize it was on a store-by-store basis.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 30, 2013
Sorry you had a terrible experience. There are many threads on MacRumors about bad trade-in experiences with Phobio, Apple's trade-in partner. Just a future suggestion to make your post more readable since it's long is to break it up into shorter paragraphs. You may also want to add Phobio's name to your post so that anyone searching for others' experiences with them will find your post too.

If your local store isn't taking trade-ins, that's too bad but maybe they will soon. I know my local Apple Store does take trade-ins; I didn't realize it was on a store-by-store basis.
I was wondering who their partner was for this…. Thanks for telling me. I was able to get a senior management person from Apple to restart the trade in process for me so fingers crossed.
As for breaking it up… I was on a roll typing it. Didn’t even realize how long it became. I was so livid.
Every time I tried to set up the store pick up I was told I could pick up the watch in person, but had to mail the trade back as no stores were taking them. They made it seem as if no matter where I went I wasn’t able to do this. Ugh.
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