Thanks to the kind information of Shirasaki I learned of this new feature of Windows 10.
It downloads from Bing well made professional photographies and offers them to be used as lock screen.
In my case I had installed in my old MacBook 4.1 early 2008, Windows 8.1, parallel to my OSX, and upgraded it to Windows 10.
At a certain moment somehow
without any action on my side, this "Windows Spotlight" began to work and showed me on starting a very nice picture asking me if I liked and wanted more of it or not.
After clicking on the like it answer at the upper left corner of the screen the picture didn't remain, as it should AFAIK, but disappeared.
Instead the desktop became solid green and the usual white dots of the starting Windows began to turn around.
Only that it went on and on in this way and no matter how long I waited I could not access the log in page.
I thought therefore that it was a kind of malware and started a thread on it in this section of the MR Forum (which is still there although indicated as "Resolved").
Only thanks to the knowledge and kindness of Shirasaki I learned that it was not a kind of virus but a new feature of Windows 10.
The problem is that you cannot turn it (under "personalization") neither in nor out unless you can access the system!
In my case (for unknown reasons to me) I could do nothing since I could not start Windows at all.
The only workaround I found was resetting Windows entirely, which unavoidably deleted all the applications I had installed.
I therefore warn about this feature. For those systems in which it works as it should, it is no doubt very nice.
However if it doesn't, as was my case, the user remains locked out entirely of his Windows!
In the web if you google, you will find a procedure through command lines allowing to access those "Spotlight" entirely hidden pictures, put them in another folder, batch rename them as .jpg (necessary to see them) and use those you like as so called "wallpapers" for your desktop
It downloads from Bing well made professional photographies and offers them to be used as lock screen.
In my case I had installed in my old MacBook 4.1 early 2008, Windows 8.1, parallel to my OSX, and upgraded it to Windows 10.
At a certain moment somehow
After clicking on the like it answer at the upper left corner of the screen the picture didn't remain, as it should AFAIK, but disappeared.
Instead the desktop became solid green and the usual white dots of the starting Windows began to turn around.
Only that it went on and on in this way and no matter how long I waited I could not access the log in page.
I thought therefore that it was a kind of malware and started a thread on it in this section of the MR Forum (which is still there although indicated as "Resolved").
Only thanks to the knowledge and kindness of Shirasaki I learned that it was not a kind of virus but a new feature of Windows 10.
The problem is that you cannot turn it (under "personalization") neither in nor out unless you can access the system!
In my case (for unknown reasons to me) I could do nothing since I could not start Windows at all.
The only workaround I found was resetting Windows entirely, which unavoidably deleted all the applications I had installed.
I therefore warn about this feature. For those systems in which it works as it should, it is no doubt very nice.
However if it doesn't, as was my case, the user remains locked out entirely of his Windows!
In the web if you google, you will find a procedure through command lines allowing to access those "Spotlight" entirely hidden pictures, put them in another folder, batch rename them as .jpg (necessary to see them) and use those you like as so called "wallpapers" for your desktop