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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 7, 2014
Basel, Switzerland
Thanks to the kind information of Shirasaki I learned of this new feature of Windows 10.
It downloads from Bing well made professional photographies and offers them to be used as lock screen. :rolleyes:
In my case I had installed in my old MacBook 4.1 early 2008, Windows 8.1, parallel to my OSX, and upgraded it to Windows 10.
At a certain moment somehow :confused: without any action on my side, this "Windows Spotlight" began to work and showed me on starting a very nice picture asking me if I liked and wanted more of it or not.
After clicking on the like it answer at the upper left corner of the screen the picture didn't remain, as it should AFAIK, but disappeared.
Instead the desktop became solid green and the usual white dots of the starting Windows began to turn around.
Only that it went on and on in this way and no matter how long I waited I could not access the log in page. :eek:

I thought therefore that it was a kind of malware and started a thread on it in this section of the MR Forum (which is still there although indicated as "Resolved").
Only thanks to the knowledge and kindness of Shirasaki I learned that it was not a kind of virus but a new feature of Windows 10.:rolleyes:

The problem is that you cannot turn it (under "personalization") neither in nor out unless you can access the system! :(
In my case (for unknown reasons to me) I could do nothing since I could not start Windows at all. :eek:
The only workaround I found was resetting Windows entirely, which unavoidably deleted all the applications I had installed. :oops:
I therefore warn about this feature. For those systems in which it works as it should, it is no doubt very nice.
However if it doesn't, as was my case, the user remains locked out entirely of his Windows! :oops:

In the web if you google, you will find a procedure through command lines allowing to access those "Spotlight" entirely hidden pictures, put them in another folder, batch rename them as .jpg (necessary to see them) and use those you like as so called "wallpapers" for your desktop o_O.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
I'm not quite following your post and your overuse of emoticons is only confusing me more.

In my case (for unknown reasons to me) I could do nothing since I could not start Windows at all
You cannot make any changes to your system, unless you're logged in. Are you saying you cannot log into your computer because of spotlight? What is the error or issue you're seeing?
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macrumors member
Jan 16, 2015
For me - temporarily using Windows PCs because I lent my Mac to a graphic arts student - the ultimate roadblock and lock up was when I accidentally signed into a Microsoft Windows Account. I could not do anythihg much that I wanted to do, and Windows advisories made no sense but instead led me inio dead ends. It was like a centralised paralysis,

By comparison I find Apple systems on my elderly iMac with ElCapitan work logically and almost 'intuitively'. Above all, no endless passwording, and no road blocking. As for the ability to contact real live helpful people - well, if they exist on Windows I never found them. Everything I have downloaded has gone in seamlessly, and I reckon it was a small price to pay to have to re-install El Capitan to take out some start up bugs. It feels as though Safari etc run more and more quickly as I use them Perhaps even iMacs have to learn as they go along?

Of course, I could get bits and pieces fitted for the Windiows PCs, but since I have never needed any such things for the iMac I do not think that counts for much.

Please do not ask me what Spotlight was all about! I had enough trouble simply signing in to my mail, with endless security rechecks, and blocking.


macrumors member
Jan 16, 2015
Just one thing I could add in favour of Mac; I may have to search with some diligence but I can ALWAYS find a way to update, adjust, amend or delete any feature that requires such action.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 7, 2014
Basel, Switzerland
I'm not quite following your post and your overuse of emoticons is only confusing me more.
I never noticed any negative side of emoticons, although tastes are never the same for everybody. In my opinion they make longer text a bit less heavy.

You cannot make any changes to your system, unless you're logged in. Are you saying you cannot log into your computer because of spotlight? What is the error or issue you're seeing?

I don't say that this problem should affect every user of Windows Spotlight.
In my case however it actually made impossible to access the logging desktop and run Windows. :eek:
Instead of keeping the picture I had found nice as a locking screen (the purpose of Spotlight AFAIK), that picture disappeared, replaced by an all green background. The white turning dots did not stop turning and the access to log in to start the system was therefore not possible.

I could see all the files and folders from the OSX side and copy and save those I wanted to keep, but running Windows was no longer possible until I did twice a complete reset, losing by doing so all the applications I had installed but recovering a working Windows 10.
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macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
In my case however it actually made impossible to access the logging desktop and run Windows
How so? I'm still trying to figure out what the problem is.

Are you now able to log into your computer?


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 7, 2014
Basel, Switzerland
How so? I'm still trying to figure out what the problem is.

Are you now able to log into your computer?
Neither have I any idea what the problem was.
I could not access the logging page because the white dots did not stop turning around on a green background no matter how long I waited.
Now (after resetting Windows) I can normally access the log in without any problem.
However in the setting place I checked that Spotlight is not the default for the locking screen.
Just a measure of precaution.
Unfortunately I can only tell the experience as it happened but not explain it.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 7, 2014
Basel, Switzerland
Are you sure its windows spotlight or maybe another problem?
As alteady said I don't know what and how it happened.
For precaution I will not use Spotlight for what it was made but simply copy the pictures I can find among Spotlight's files somewhere else and use one as a wallpaper.
If Spotlight can create problems to other users it is up to them to find out.
It shouldn't but in my case it did.
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