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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 5, 2005
Hey everybody, I have huge problem (i think). For some reason my audio quit working on the internet. I searched and found someone else had the same problem but he didnt really follow up on answering questions.

My audio works on iTunes, iTunes Music store (such as Telladega Nights trailer), I tried to watch the WWDC Keynote in QuickTime but that didnt work. DVDs work.

It works on everything pretty much exsept for Firefox, Opera, and Safari.
PLease help!?


Not to worry! I fixed it! For some reason the audio settings in applications/utilties Audio Midi Setup got turned up to high. it was set at 96000 and it needs to be at like 41600 or whatever. I simply turned it down and it fixed. Hope this helps others who have the problem!
Wow! That helped me too... the very same day.

How weird.

Anyone know why this happened to both of us?

I've never even seen that menu before.

(But I have started using skype lately).
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