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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 31, 2004
I have been using itunes for nearly a year now and have never had a problem yet.......
The other day i went to burn a CD and everything went well it intialized and then burnt and then the familiar sound at the end to tell you that your disc is ready.Except it wasn't a window had opened telling me that"MAC OSX CANNOT READ DISC".
I can burn discs using toast titanium no problem
I have had some advice which was to remove the pref playlist and then restart itunes and then try to copy it again but this didn't work does anybody have any other ideas or should i delete itunes and reinstall it.
any help would be greatly appreciated
are you using a good quality disk? or is it one of those cheapo 100 for 25 cents kinda things?
No mate i've tried loads of different discs from cheap to expensive and all to no avail.Whats going on?.
theposse said:
No mate i've tried loads of different discs from cheap to expensive and all to no avail.Whats going on?.
Sounds like something's wrong with the disc burning system in Mac OS X. Can you burn data CDs from the Finder? If you can't, the disc burner program is the cause of the problem. As for how to fix it, I don't have any ideas other than a reinstall of Mac OS X. I'm sure there's a better way to fix the problem; I just don't know what that would be.
theposse said:
I can burn discs in toast so the burner is OK.
thanks anyway.
I think he was referring to the software. iTunes and the iApps use the Mac OS X burning system (integrated into the OS) so that may have gone corrupt. The fact it works in Toast tells you that your hardware is not the problem.

If the Finder can't burn a disc, you'll have to reinstall Mac OS X. Oh, try repairing permissions first though, you never know.
theposse said:
I can burn discs in toast so the burner is OK.
thanks anyway.
The burner is probably OK, but maybe the software isn't.

I think what wrldwzrd89 was suggesting is that Toast uses it's own software for burning, but iTunes uses DiscBurner. Maybe DiscBurner is shot.

Try burning a CD from within the Finder.
johnnyjibbs said:
I think he was referring to the software. iTunes and the iApps use the Mac OS X burning system (integrated into the OS) so that may have gone corrupt. The fact it works in Toast tells you that your hardware is not the problem.
ftaok said:
The burner is probably OK, but maybe the software isn't.

I think what wrldwzrd89 was suggesting is that Toast uses it's own software for burning, but iTunes uses DiscBurner. Maybe DiscBurner is shot.

Try burning a CD from within the Finder.
Johnnyjibbs and ftaok - you interpreted my post correctly! I haven't the faintest idea how to fix a broken DiscBurner, though... Try repairing permissions anyway - it might help. (To repair permissions, open Disk Utility, select your hard disk, and click the Repair Disk Permissions button.)
Also, it seems like your real trouble is mounting the disk after you burn it. Try the disk in a regular CD player (audio).

I've noticed that an older iMac I have can only read the 'blue' older, slower media. It cannot read the 'silver' newer, faster media even if I successfully burn it in another drive. Conversely, in my PC I have a burner which will only burn the 'silver' media -- the blue media acts like it's burning correctly, but the disk can't be read afterwards (which sounds like your symptom). Other drives I have on Macs can burn and read either fast or slow media successfully.

One other sad possibility: You should be aware that the lasers in CD and CD-R drives and equipment has finite life, and burners have significantly shorter life than readers.
My mac is only a year old,i thought evryone can see what computer i have i put it in my profile so i hope my disc burner ain't shot yet?
So i need to burn a disc in finder ,call me thick (please don't)but how do you do that.
thanks for all the help..
theposse said:
My mac is only a year old,i thought evryone can see what computer i have i put it in my profile so i hope my disc burner ain't shot yet?
So i need to burn a disc in finder ,call me thick (please don't)but how do you do that.
thanks for all the help..
To burn a data CD in the Finder:
Insert the blank CD in the drive when in the Finder.
Choose 'Open Finder' when prompted.
Drag the files you wish to burn to the CD icon on your desktop (assuming you've chosen to have mounted CDs displayed on your desktop; if you have this option turned off, you'll need to open a window of the CD's contents from the Computer view and drag files to that instead).
Try to eject the CD; Finder will ask you if you want to burn the CD. Click 'Burn', leave the settings at their defaults, and wait while the disc burns.
Once it's done, it will either automagically mount in the Finder with the files you burned to it or it will eject itself. If it decides to eject, re-insert the disc and see if it mounts properly.
In iTunes select the Preferences in the iTunes menu. Click on Burning. Select the menu "Preferred Speed" and select something in the middle range (12x, 16x).

You might have a computer that is doing a whole lot of stuff while burning the CD and it may be munging the disc. Slower speeds might help. Also some media may be more sensitive at higher burn speeds. Drives are starting to outstrip the capabilities of the media (and the computer).

I have found that OS X's CD burning more often than not makes a coaster compared to OS 9 on the same hardware (CD burner, computer).
Well my finder burned the disc so what does that say about itunes,i'll try slowing the speed of the burner down but i don't know why that would change as i've never had a problem before and i close all other apps when i'm burning.
thanks for all the advice
theposse said:
Well my finder burned the disc so what does that say about itunes,i'll try slowing the speed of the burner down but i don't know why that would change as i've never had a problem before and i close all other apps when i'm burning.
thanks for all the advice

In that case, try reinstalling iTunes.
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