Still works for me. It depends on a lot of situations. Update came out today to concern something’s download it and try again?
11.2 didn't fix it.
Test 1 was to shutdown and then connect power by connecting thunderbolt cable.
The eGPU powered on
My Caldigit dock lit up to show it was getting signal from my 2019 Macbook Pro.
The external displays remained blank, and my external bluetooth keyboard connection light flashed to show it could not connect to the laptop.
I opened the laptop and entered my password to unlock it.
I closed the laptop and after that the external screens and keyboard worked.
Test 2 The laptop is logged in and docked. External screens and mouse/keyboard are working. I restart the laptop.
The screens go dark.
I wait but the screens don't come back on.
I open the laptop and the display is blank.
I press the power button, then login/unlock the laptop just as before.
I close the case.
The external displays come on and external mouse/keyboard work as expected.
Time to turn Filevault back off.