First of all, I am not that familiar with the specifics of the "pro" software that Apple offers. I consider myself to have about mastered iMovie and iDVD but haven't really seriously considered the next level. Anyway, I was in an Apple Store in Chicago today just killing time and while walking down the software aisle I noticed a DVD Studio Pro 4 box. I picked it up and looked at the price - $199. Wow, I thought, expecting it to be significantly more. As my heart started racing, I flagged down an Apple dude to tell me more about this little gem. He was super knowledgable about Studio Pro, having just recently become officially certified and took a lot of time showing me different things. Within about 20 seconds I knew that I was going to buy-buy-buy, as well as get Pro Care for $100. (Good for one year, you get one-on-one instruction with an Apple expert on anything you desire. One hour a week for a year) To make this long story shorter, when I got to the register, I was expecting roughly $300 plus tax but was startled with a figure of $600 plus tax!! So here's my tip for you potential Studio Pro buyers - If you are NOT aware of the pricing, the FULL version is $499 and the UPGRADE version sells for $199. Not knowing this I had coincidentally picked an upgrade box in the store. Boy, was I embarrased, especially after the Apple dude spent about 30 minutes showing things that Studio Pro could do! The guy totally understood, but I felt like a retard anyway. I passed on the purchase, but am definitely planning to buy SP in the near future, along with Pro Care. OK, you can laugh at me now!