Okay...I have a movie that came in two parts. The first half is a .Bin file, the second half is the actual .mpg. Now, I am trying to make them into a DVD using Toast. No problem, right? Select DVD, drag and drop the BIN and then the .MPG. Go to BURN and thus the encoding begins. It en codes the .Bin pretty fast and then moves on to the .MPG, which is a different story. It gets half was into the .Mpg encoding and doesn't move...at all. I have left it multiple times for 8 and 12 hour periods where it is just stuck encoding half way through the second file, the .Mpg. So...What can I do here? What does it exactly encode it to, and could I encode with another program to make the process faster? Like exporting it into a different type via Quicktime Pro? Anyone have any ideas???