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Will Cheyney

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 13, 2005
United Kingdom
Being a designer I am fanatical about maintaining a clean screen.
Yesterday, a person who shall remain nameless used a dirty old biro to point around my screen leaving little 'dots' in three places on my Cinema Display.

Screen cleaner and a mild-alchohol don't work - worried I might do something irreparable if I used something stronger such as mentholated spirt.
Any suggestions?
saliva? it may work, since it is mildly acidic. it get pen ink off skin and my desk, walls just kidding about walls never tried.
The citrus-based solvent cleaners (I'm talking more about the strong concentrated stuff, not the household varieties in spray bottles) work really well on ink and won't eat the screen surface. I would be afraid to try any petroleum-based cleaner (which methylated alcohols sometimes contain).
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