Bit the Bullet and bought:
$1003.98 Macbook 13.3" 1.83 - Amazon (after $100 rebate)
$ 175.56 2 Gig Memory - Newegg
$ 110.94 Windows XP Pro full (SP2) - eDirectSoftware
$ 49.00 .Mac Account (1 year) - Bargains101
$ 16.41 Screen Protector - Shaggy Mac
Blew my budget - Total Cost $1355.89
$1003.98 Macbook 13.3" 1.83 - Amazon (after $100 rebate)
$ 175.56 2 Gig Memory - Newegg
$ 110.94 Windows XP Pro full (SP2) - eDirectSoftware
$ 49.00 .Mac Account (1 year) - Bargains101
$ 16.41 Screen Protector - Shaggy Mac