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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 24, 2006
hi guys,

whenever I open a file, change the screen, a black lin in the shape of a box appears in all shapes and forms, (only one a time)
any ideas?

Huh? That isn't a very good description of the problem.

When you open a file, change the screen? What do you mean change the screen? Change the resolution? Open what file? Any file?

What computer are you using, and is the computer still useable when these black boxes appear? What can you see/do when this happens? Shut off the machine or keep using it? Gotta paint a better picture for us here.
Hehe, you accidentally enabled Universal Access voice over.

Go to System Preferences --> Universal Access --> Voice over : off.

Or just press command + f5 (+ fn if you're on a laptop).

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