Sorry, I guess I should probably give a more in-depth explanation. There's nothing special about the two views shown in my pic. They are run-of-the-mill view controllers inheriting from UITableViewController. There's no additional code in loadView. There is a viewDidLoad method, but only to set the buttons on the navigation controller. The first view is your default table in the form of a list. Touching any of the entries will bring you to the second screen, where I have a single cell in grouped mode with a UITextField as a subview. For this screen, upon loading, I bring up the keyboard with the following code:
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
NSIndexPath *indexPath = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:0 inSection:0];
UITextField *textField = [self textFieldForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath];
[textField becomeFirstResponder];
I have a custom method here that calls up the textfield in the subview, but should not be relevant to the issue at hand. Otherwise, everything else is as standard as it gets. The one thing that I do believe will fix the problem is if I move the code to viewDidLoad instead. However, the keyboard fails to appear at all when I do so.
PhoneyDeveloper, if you can't identify the problem, might it be possible for you to link to some code performing the same tasks that I'm doing and perhaps I can see if I'm doing anything differently?
EDIT: Yes, I've tried both commenting out and building a simplified version. Both methods do not work, which leads me to conclude there's some essential part I'm missing out on, possibly the viewDidLoad method I mentioned above.