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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 4, 2010
Montreal, Canada
For some stupid reason I chosen os 10.11 as start up disk in my preferences and after the cMP boots, I have only a black screen NO VIDEO, wish I would have let it in 10.14.6 and didn’t try that boot prefrernce.
Now I don’t know how to get back to the ssd with MOJAVE on it. I have tried holding Option key on start up to no avail......The card is a Sapphire Pulse RX580.
Am I missing something here!?
Any help how to get back to Mojave ssd will be highly appreciated.
Thank you in advance
Thanks BSBEAMER, I was doing exactly that when I saw your reply here.....just finished removing all the spinners with OS 10.11 and leaving just the SSD’s installed:) force a Mojave start up.....and IT WORKED....finished putting all back together and all is as before..lesson learned the hard way here.....just to say that first I installed the original ATI 5770 simply to realize after securing the card in place with the bracket, that I don’t have any apple mini display or DVI to Display Port adapter for the new screen:mad:....then realized that my last solution, is to pull all the spinners out....
Thank you once againo_O
You might also try holding down Command-R during startup to boot the the Recovery partition. Not sure, though, if you had a 10.11 Recovery partition on that drive and a 10.14 Recovery partition on the other, how it would choose. So that may not have gotten you anywhere, but would've been worth a try.
You might also try holding down Command-R during startup to boot the the Recovery partition. Not sure, though, if you had a 10.11 Recovery partition on that drive and a 10.14 Recovery partition on the other, how it would choose. So that may not have gotten you anywhere, but would've been worth a try.

It chooses the recovery partition of the last selected boot disk.
You might also try holding down Command-R during startup to boot the the Recovery partition. Not sure, though, if you had a 10.11 Recovery partition on that drive and a 10.14 Recovery partition on the other, how it would choose. So that may not have gotten you anywhere, but would've been worth a try.

Sorry, but none of the possibly key combination worked, tried them all, before unplugging the drives.
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