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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 14, 2006
I'm selling my 17 inch Macbook Pro and thinking of getting a blackbook (I could use a little cash for an auto) at any rate, I'd like to know how current owners like their machine. Would it be worth it to get a refurb MBP or stick with the macbook. The refurb macbook pro would be: 15" 512 MB ram, and 80 GB HD, the blackbook would have: 100 GB HD, and 1 GB ram.

What do you think?

If you've got pictures to post, that'd be great.

Thanks for the help!

Unless you have a need to play games or drive a huge external display, the Macbook is definitely the way to go.

I currently have a black Macbook with the stock hard drive and 2 GB of RAM. I haven't had a problem running anything on it, including 4 different operating systems. (Yes, all of them at once.)

Also, you don't necessarily have to upgrade the hard drive through Apple. The Macbook is incredibly easy to upgrade and you can purchase a higher capacity drive through third party channels at a much more reasonable price than through Apple directly.

A great machine and if you need it now, you won't regret it as they are more than likely not upgrading this line anytime soon.
you definitely want to go with at least 1 GB of RAM,
the main difference between the two is screen size, and GPU, are you planning on gaming? also 13 inches is going to seem downright tiny compared to a 17".
I upgraded to a BlackBook from an iBook G4 just over a week ago and I am in love with it. I've got the stock config, 80gig HD, 512 ram, etc.

Only suggestion I have is to add more ram to it. The stock 512 runs basic apps (Safari, iChat, etc.) but when I load up Photoshop and Dreamweaver, it gets a little muddy. I've got two gigs on the way from and I can't wait.
i'd definitely go the blackbook route. there's not enough of a difference between the lowest MBP and the MB to justify the jump in price, IMO.. and i honestly *love* the black look much more than i like the alum (but that's all just a matter of preference).

i upgraded mine from the stock config to a 120gb HD and 2gb RAM, both third-party.

i had mine for a little while with just the 512MB and it was terrible.. sometimes the thing would choke up just running thunderbird and safari, even. the 1gb you have planned is HIGHLY recommended.

considering you're getting more ram and a bigger HD, all the while saving money (but not losing style.. :cool: heh).. then i think the decision is clear.
i love my macbook, but i've been having second thoughts on the color. the black really does show every single fingerprint when in a certain light. for an OCD person like me, it drives me crazy. the black is really sexy, but a part of me wishes i went with the white and saved the cash.
i love my macbook, and if i where you id get a white mac book and get 2 gig ram unless you really like the color, than blacks fine. and contrary to belief i dont find the macbooks onboard graphics bad, i havnt done any gaming though, 3d rendering though. what pics are you looking for?
fivetoadsloth said:
i love my macbook, and if i where you id get a white mac book and get 2 gig ram unless you really like the color, than blacks fine. and contrary to belief i dont find the macbooks onboard graphics bad, i havnt done any gaming though, 3d rendering though. what pics are you looking for?
ANY pics of macbooks would be great :)
Steven1621 said:
i love my macbook, but i've been having second thoughts on the color. the black really does show every single fingerprint when in a certain light. for an OCD person like me, it drives me crazy. the black is really sexy, but a part of me wishes i went with the white and saved the cash.

This is absolutely true.

I pruchased one of the Marware Protection Packs recently and am very happy with it. Although I detest the Marware logo, it protects the wrist area from excess oil deposits and is slightly padded which dulls the Macbook's sharp edges.

Also, be sure to keep an appropriate cleaning product available to frequently clean the keys and trackpad to avoid the buildup of those same natural oils.

Good luck with your purchase!
Steven1621 said:
i love my macbook, but i've been having second thoughts on the color. the black really does show every single fingerprint when in a certain light. for an OCD person like me, it drives me crazy. the black is really sexy, but a part of me wishes i went with the white and saved the cash.
i thought the same thing initially. i went to a retail store way back when (during my vacation home) to check them both out, fully expecting to adore the black and hate the white.

but i was wrong. i hated how dirty the black looked.. every fingerprint (though, granted, i can only imagine how many hands touched those things day in and day out) showed up. and i actually REALLY liked the white.

so then i was set on white. and finally, i found someone that was willing to do a straight trade: his week old macbook for my PB. awesome...! the white scratched easily, felt like a toy, reminded me of the cheap iBooks.. and then i saw a few friends' old iBooks and they were DIRTY.

so i sold it on eBay and bought the blackbook i have now - and i LOVE it.

sure, it picks up fingerprints easily, but in 30 seconds those can be gone with a microfiber cloth and a little water. now imagine yourself with a white macbook after 6 months of daily use... good luck getting THOSE scratches off...
just depends on what you want to do with it.

i love my white macbook, but the MBP's do look awesome. i also have a powerbook, and i must say i still love the looks of it.

but looks aren't everything. nothing wrong with the macbook or MBP
Xander562 said:
you definitely want to go with at least 1 GB of RAM,
the main difference between the two is screen size, and GPU, are you planning on gaming? also 13 inches is going to seem downright tiny compared to a 17".
I love my Black MB. I like the smaller size because I travel a lot. (I can't imagine lugging one of the 17" monsters through an airport.)

It WILL show finger prints.
Definitely get the extra RAM
Be aware that the speakers are, um, minimalistic.:rolleyes:
Well, I really don't think you can go wrong....but I'll just say my short pitch for the Macbook Pro. It's a better computer, it will last longer, it looks more professional, it's made of aluminum, the price is going to drop on refurb models if Merom is announced in a few hours, and I find it to be the perfect size. The 15.4'' widescreen looks simple amazing.
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